// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 309 Sayre Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Plainsboro Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 309 Sayre Drive, Plainsboro Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1218_401_309

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 309 Sayre Drive, Plainsboro Township, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 401, Lot: 309
Assessment (2023): $650,200
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,986
Area: 7751.16 acres
Perimeter: 18.11 miles
Population 2020: 24084
Pop Density 2020: 1989/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Plainsboro Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.351586308642-74.6240361692831218_401_303303 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$612,300$15,613
40.351598968613-74.6234228672561218_401_311311 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$618,600$15,774
40.351602874228-74.6236651411731218_401_306306 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$611,500$15,593
40.351604320197-74.6242726691191218_401_302302 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$594,800$15,167
40.351914391824-74.6233841440371218_401_314314 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$594,800$15,167
40.351926706808-74.6240069805441218_401_307307 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$597,300$15,231
40.351927836627-74.6236233844021218_401_310310 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$623,700$15,904
40.352087151749-74.6233306788911218_401_315315 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$653,400$16,661
40.352118686348-74.6239406422831218_401_308308 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$656,300$16,735
40.352121135758-74.6236796021411218_401_309309 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$650,200$16,580
40.352149638451-74.6230770924411218_401_316316 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$606,500$15,465
40.352220046575-74.6238745998671218_401_639Sayre Driveredacted-o8
40.352406980729-74.6243172253421218_401_290290 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$659,400$16,814
40.352439053819-74.6237392172271218_401_278278 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$658,300$16,786
40.352441775664-74.6231237678131218_401_270270 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$635,800$16,212
40.352454323365-74.6234753442631218_401_277277 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$647,000$16,498
40.352488448376-74.6240930194221218_401_289289 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$642,900$16,393
40.352624016627-74.6232001773151218_401_271271 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$608,800$15,524
40.352634285389-74.6234427128591218_401_276276 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$594,800$15,167
40.35263724839-74.6238110480611218_401_279279 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$615,300$15,690
40.352665790435-74.6240498615971218_401_288288 Sayre Driveredacted-o8$614,100$15,659

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