// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 310 Market St. owned by redacted-o9 in Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 310 Market St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1216_71_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 310 Market St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 71, Lot: 7
Assessment (2023): $342,400
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,030
Area: 3311.8 acres
Perimeter: 10.73 miles
Population 2020: 55436
Pop Density 2020: 10713/sq-mi

27 neighbors in Perth Amboy whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.509030530412-74.2767118819121216_66_7303 Market St.redacted-o8$268,800$8,093
40.509053989347-74.2767963798991216_66_6305 Market St.redacted-o8$335,500$10,101
40.50905518439-74.2766047614451216_66_8.01301 Market St.redacted-o8$278,400$8,382
40.509077458156-74.2768808724741216_66_5307 Market St.redacted-o8$293,400$8,834
40.509100921631-74.2769653677061216_66_4309 Market St.redacted-o8$274,100$8,253
40.509124385121-74.2770498627291216_66_3311 Market St.redacted-o8$201,800$6,076
40.509147848548-74.2771343578121216_66_2313 Market St.redacted-o8$261,800$7,882
40.509171311511-74.2772188532461216_66_1315 Market St.redacted-o8$278,100$8,373
40.509355500414-74.27619873251216_70_3294 Market St.redacted-o8$286,700$8,632
40.509392667401-74.2763406018821216_70_1298 Market St.redacted-o8$375,000$11,291
40.50951308809-74.2761851651631216_70_42262 Prospect St.redacted-o8$265,000$7,979
40.509519857724-74.2766134004661216_71_9304 Market St/261 Prospctredacted-o8$519,100$15,630
40.509539182058-74.2767271712721216_71_8306 Market St.redacted-o8$271,000$8,159
40.50957473904-74.276834426731216_71_7310 Market St.redacted-o8$342,400$10,309
40.509611934044-74.2770267755431216_71_5314 Market St.redacted-o8$247,200$7,443
40.509635336156-74.2771113002061216_71_4316 Market St.redacted-o8$206,400$6,214
40.50965873842-74.2771958248731216_71_3318 Market St.redacted-o8$128,600$3,872
40.509682140527-74.277280350271216_71_2320 Market St.redacted-o8$142,300$4,034
40.509705341942-74.277363746431216_71_1322 Market St.redacted-o8$279,800$8,424
40.509792172552-74.2766052625081216_71_11265 Prospect St.redacted-o8$280,000$8,430
40.509815957021-74.2770721734871216_71_44262 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$254,000$7,647
40.509856536888-74.2765740578811216_71_12267 Prospect St.redacted-o8$261,400$7,370
40.509880482137-74.2770415500351216_71_43264 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$198,600$5,979
40.509920901214-74.2765428531931216_71_13269 Prospect St.redacted-o8$200,300$6,031
40.509991709633-74.2765085248341216_71_14271 Prospect St.redacted-o8$238,900$6,943
40.510009531797-74.276980303721216_71_41268 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$244,200$7,352
40.510068946814-74.2764710791151216_71_15273 Prospect St.redacted-o8$283,700$8,542

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