// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 103 Lewis St. owned by redacted-o9 in Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 103 Lewis St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1216_4_18

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 103 Lewis St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 4, Lot: 18
Assessment (2023): $561,700
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,030
Area: 3311.8 acres
Perimeter: 10.73 miles
Population 2020: 55436
Pop Density 2020: 10713/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Perth Amboy whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.500772009403-74.2703369496811216_4_965 Wisteria St.redacted-o8$287,800$8,665
40.500825361612-74.2706837652111216_4_2862 State St.redacted-o8$384,900$11,589
40.500901958656-74.2703228692561216_4_1169 Wisteria St.redacted-o8$251,500$7,572
40.500914240036-74.2706734457991216_4_2764 State St.redacted-o8$354,100$10,661
40.500989444878-74.2706647129291216_4_2666 State St.redacted-o8$282,300$8,500
40.501038747598-74.270308047761216_4_1373 Wisteria St.redacted-o8$256,400$7,720
40.501057805848-74.270656775251216_4_2570 State St.redacted-o8$314,800$9,478
40.501128898511-74.2706485212851216_4_2472 State St.redacted-o8$324,300$9,764
40.501196884443-74.2697286294191216_3_391 Lewis St.redacted-o8$223,300$6,723
40.501201837524-74.2706731686521216_4_2374 State St.redacted-o8$288,300$8,680
40.501223337996-74.2698899440481216_3_193-95 Lewis St.redacted-o8$582,200$17,530
40.501268271236-74.2701456858511216_4_1597-99 Lewis St.redacted-o8$527,600$17,015
40.501297435107-74.2703183542421216_4_17101 Lewis St.redacted-o8$211,300$6,362
40.501312396935-74.270406943191216_4_18103 Lewis St.redacted-o8$561,700$16,912
40.501342321428-74.2705841211321216_4_20107 Lewis St.redacted-o8$316,600$9,532
40.501371744654-74.2706714410171216_4_21109 Lewis St.redacted-o8$495,300$14,913
40.501411249284-74.2710201616481216_5_17117 Lewis St.redacted-o8$326,400$9,827
40.501617987121-74.269944037641216_22_491 Kearny Ave.redacted-o8$249,100$7,500
40.501705550731-74.2699184390061216_22_595 Kearny Ave.redacted-o8$228,500$6,880
40.501714367186-74.2705280820941216_22_188 State St.redacted-o8$225,000$6,774
40.501740575442-74.2701421597641216_22_398 Lewis St.redacted-o8$228,900$6,892
40.501768667904-74.2702732965061216_22_2100 Lewis St.redacted-o8$243,500$7,331
40.501791287496-74.2698933753491216_22_697 Kearny Ave.redacted-o8$241,000$7,256
40.501795162954-74.2705288864091216_22_5690 State St.redacted-o8$207,400$6,244
40.501854914909-74.2709986565511216_21_7120 Lewis St.redacted-o8$239,800$7,220

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