// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 378 Alpine St. owned by redacted-o9 in Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 378 Alpine St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1216_372_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 378 Alpine St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 372, Lot: 3
Assessment (2023): $257,100
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,030
Area: 3311.8 acres
Perimeter: 10.73 miles
Population 2020: 55436
Pop Density 2020: 10713/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Perth Amboy whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.525131653094-74.2716682836621216_371_10365 Alpine St.redacted-o8$151,800$4,570
40.525189225395-74.2718315684021216_371_8367 Alpine St.redacted-o8$196,900$5,928
40.525238737654-74.2719719929371216_371_6.02371 Alpine St.redacted-o8$223,700$6,735
40.525275584478-74.2720764945711216_371_5375 Alpine St.redacted-o8$236,000$7,105
40.525333157038-74.2722397790951216_371_3377 Alpine St.redacted-o8$281,800$8,485
40.525391057133-74.272402449081216_371_1381 Alpine St.redacted-o8$251,900$7,584
40.525502085246-74.2715506712281216_372_9364 Alpine St.redacted-o8$229,700$6,916
40.525507489393-74.2727278165151216_374_15391 Alpine St.redacted-o8$310,500$9,349
40.52555251475-74.271693511691216_372_7.02368 Alpine St.redacted-o8$297,400$8,954
40.52558853651-74.2717955427951216_372_6372 Alpine St.redacted-o8$196,000$5,901
40.52563464164-74.2719261393141216_372_4.02374 Alpine St.redacted-o8$185,700$5,341
40.525674987015-74.2720404139661216_372_3378 Alpine St.redacted-o8$257,100$7,741
40.525687569933-74.2713375565391216_372_23365 Keene St.redacted-o8$140,900$4,242
40.525732062381-74.2722003842161216_372_1380 Alpine St.redacted-o8$219,500$6,609
40.525745265414-74.2715007664961216_372_25369 Keene St.redacted-o8$220,400$6,636
40.525802960664-74.2716639773231216_372_27371 Keene St.redacted-o8$179,000$5,389
40.525845783621-74.272524201291216_373_15388 Alpine St.redacted-o8$175,000$5,269
40.525860655266-74.2718271878261216_372_29379 Keene St.redacted-o8$179,900$5,416
40.525903415474-74.2726874494871216_373_13392 Alpine St.redacted-o8$220,600$6,642
40.525918350141-74.2719903986781216_372_31381 Keene St.redacted-o8$144,500$4,350
40.525946976479-74.2720697702581216_372_32383 Keene St.redacted-o8$171,700$5,169
40.526032361254-74.2723129219781216_373_17391 Keene St.redacted-o8$401,600$12,092
40.526090055566-74.2724761331781216_373_19395 Keene St.redacted-o8$187,600$5,648
40.526111605187-74.271375296231216_410_7370 Keene St.redacted-o8$227,000$6,834
40.526147748449-74.2726393449751216_373_21397 Keene St.redacted-o8$179,800$5,413
40.526169301064-74.2715385078351216_410_5374 Keene St.redacted-o8$255,100$7,681

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