// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 207 Paterson St. owned by redacted-o9 in Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 207 Paterson St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1216_17_36

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 207 Paterson St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 17, Lot: 36
Assessment (2023): $184,200
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,030
Area: 3311.8 acres
Perimeter: 10.73 miles
Population 2020: 55436
Pop Density 2020: 10713/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Perth Amboy whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.504012592934-74.2736906719551216_18_47130 First St.redacted-o8$281,300$8,469
40.50402996863-74.2745116436931216_17_27123 First St.redacted-o8$243,900$7,343
40.504094236901-74.2744801078251216_17_28125 First St.redacted-o8$292,400$8,804
40.50414112905-74.2736275984771216_18_45132 First St.redacted-o8$268,400$8,081
40.504158504577-74.2744485715941216_17_29127 First St.redacted-o8$218,800$6,588
40.50422277245-74.2744170350911216_17_30129 First St.redacted-o8$209,300$6,302
40.504272782679-74.2736590001991216_18_43.02136 First St.redacted-o8$231,400$6,967
40.50431633835-74.2744514913321216_17_31131 First St.redacted-o8$150,000$4,516
40.504339145908-74.2743119277091216_17_32133 First St.redacted-o8$195,600$5,889
40.504451163307-74.2740649468051216_17_33201 Paterson St.redacted-o8$253,400$7,629
40.504454757827-74.2748647803781216_17_46132 Second St.redacted-o8$1,403,500$42,259
40.50447548988-74.2741490167421216_17_34203 Paterson St.redacted-o8$245,500$7,392
40.504499816253-74.2742330871991216_17_35205 Paterson St.redacted-o8$167,400$5,040
40.504524142565-74.2743171577171216_17_36207 Paterson St.redacted-o8$184,200$5,546
40.504548468694-74.2744012282711216_17_37209 Paterson St.redacted-o8$174,000$5,239
40.504572794554-74.2744852989381216_17_38211 Paterson St.redacted-o8$181,300$5,458
40.504581179471-74.2745912591311216_17_39213 Paterson St.redacted-o8$236,800$7,130
40.504633604774-74.2746954587131216_17_41215 Paterson St.redacted-o8$242,600$7,304
40.504657053356-74.2749703984471216_17_43140 Second Stredacted-o8$342,300$10,306
40.504666035875-74.2748075418131216_17_42217 Paterson St.redacted-o8$253,300$7,626
40.504817322029-74.2740266598891216_35_9149-151 First St.redacted-o8$367,800$11,074
40.504897608972-74.2739870583161216_35_10.02153-155 First Stredacted-o8$298,500$8,987
40.505010001518-74.2739316186111216_35_12157-A/157-B First Streetredacted-o8$241,400$7,268
40.505035309088-74.2742524143921216_35_7212 Paterson St.redacted-o8$346,600$10,436
40.505045787646-74.2744154493271216_35_5.02214 Paterson St.redacted-o8$288,800$8,695

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