// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 786 Greenwood Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 786 Greenwood Ave, Old Bridge Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1215_26_786

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 786 Greenwood Ave, Old Bridge Township, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 26, Lot: 786
Assessment (2023): $142,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 23,207
Area: 24754.5 acres
Perimeter: 34.87 miles
Population 2020: 66876
Pop Density 2020: 1729/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Old Bridge Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.449498442346-74.2470141488031215_26_820820 Forest Averedacted-o8$101,200$5,559
40.449499116071-74.2462855931161215_29_827827 Forest Averedacted-o8$75,000$4,120
40.449557387689-74.2474542945371215_26_795796 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$76,800$4,219
40.44958974236-74.246885111561215_26_822823 Forest Averedacted-o8$87,500$4,807
40.449604250249-74.2473888835711215_26_794794 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$76,500$4,202
40.449685214184-74.2467517220091215_26_824824 Forest Averedacted-o8$116,500$6,400
40.44974321046-74.2471939398151215_26_791792 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$100,900$5,543
40.449837015682-74.247061765661215_26_789790 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$93,200$5,120
40.449893919178-74.2464662916891215_25_622622 Forest Averedacted-o8$114,000$6,263
40.449975866438-74.2468682843241215_26_786786 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$142,000$7,801
40.44998665038-74.2463355342461215_25_624624 Forest Averedacted-o8$53,700$2,847
40.450023097079-74.2475375225871215_23_780780 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$75,600$4,153
40.450080678119-74.2462019903821215_25_626626 Forest Averedacted-o8$86,500$4,752
40.450116805986-74.2474058863891215_23_782782 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$57,400$3,153
40.450138679491-74.2466445843751215_25_620620 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$78,100$4,290
40.450185928758-74.2465773232361215_25_619619 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$69,700$3,829
40.450210393435-74.2472751959591215_23_784784 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$95,900$5,018
40.450279661169-74.2464442742061215_25_617617 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$72,300$3,972
40.450372865303-74.246313615341215_25_615615 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$86,700$4,763
40.450397574233-74.2470159371821215_22_558.11558 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$127,800$7,021
40.450457039974-74.2474590858351215_23_749750 Prospect Averedacted-o8$82,800$4,549
40.450465211637-74.246182815431215_25_613613 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$92,100$5,059
40.450490106939-74.2468845870361215_22_560.11560 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$168,500$9,257

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