// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 41 Capica Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 41 Capica Ct, Old Bridge Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1215_2150_4_C0076

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 41 Capica Ct, Old Bridge Township, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 2150, Lot: 4, QCode: C0076
Assessment (2023): $183,400
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 23,207
Area: 24754.5 acres
Perimeter: 34.87 miles
Population 2020: 66876
Pop Density 2020: 1729/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Old Bridge Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.439961427547-74.2464310559521215_2150_4_C008525 Capica Ctredacted-o8$151,000$8,295
40.440011326494-74.246390056871215_2150_4_C008624 Capica Ctredacted-o8$166,200$9,131
40.440122523331-74.246783295631215_2150_4_C008426 Capica Ctredacted-o8$183,400$10,076
40.44017572294-74.2467410189821215_2150_4_C008327 Capica Ctredacted-o8$167,400$9,196
40.440225796538-74.2466847330041215_2150_4_C008228 Capica Ctredacted-o8$163,100$8,960
40.440276250888-74.2466446868611215_2150_4_C008129 Capica Ctredacted-o8$149,400$8,208
40.440324132142-74.2470782092761215_2150_4_C007641 Capica Ctredacted-o8$183,400$10,076
40.440335062384-74.2466096441421215_2150_4_C008030 Capica Ctredacted-o8$149,400$8,208
40.44037502005-74.2470358989011215_2150_4_C007540 Capica Ctredacted-o8$149,400$8,208
40.440388964991-74.2465669909411215_2150_4_C007931 Capica Ctredacted-o8$164,700$9,048
40.440422717973-74.2469793053441215_2150_4_C007439 Capica Ctredacted-o8$163,100$8,960
40.440435654668-74.2465130751841215_2150_4_C007832 Capica Ctredacted-o8$167,400$9,196
40.44047406863-74.2469367963651215_2150_4_C007338 Capica Ctredacted-o8$165,400$9,087
40.440480570646-74.2464759154861215_2150_4_C007733 Capica Ctredacted-o8$183,400$10,076
40.440532989356-74.2469050187581215_2150_4_C007237 Capica Ctredacted-o8$159,000$8,735
40.440583575307-74.2468636156941215_2150_4_C007136 Capica Ctredacted-o8$167,700$9,213
40.440631706282-74.2468084213791215_2150_4_C007035 Capica Ctredacted-o8$153,900$8,455
40.440653904955-74.2472846528611215_2150_4_C006842 Capica Ctredacted-o8$178,900$9,828
40.440681218004-74.2467687416661215_2150_4_C006934 Capica Ctredacted-o8$178,900$9,828
40.440707415233-74.2472418783091215_2150_4_C006743 Capica Ctredacted-o8$153,900$8,455
40.44075779972-74.2471856437591215_2150_4_C006644 Capica Ctredacted-o8$167,700$9,213
40.440809168208-74.2471446174921215_2150_4_C006545 Capica Ctredacted-o8$163,000$8,955
40.440869287048-74.2471106987721215_2150_4_C006446 Capica Ctredacted-o8$154,200$8,471

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