// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 636b Yale Way owned by redacted-o9 in Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 636b Yale Way, Monroe Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1212_56_84_C636B

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 636b Yale Way, Monroe Township, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 56, Lot: 84, QCode: C636B
Assessment (2023): $72,700
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,182
Area: 26985.4 acres
Perimeter: 39.86 miles
Population 2020: 48594
Pop Density 2020: 1152/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Monroe Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.334629383344-74.4756472125721212_56_84_C635A635a Yale Wayredacted-o8$114,700$3,202
40.3346332187-74.4753701838991212_56_84_C634N634n Yorkshire Laneredacted-o8$58,000$1,619
40.334637636201-74.474906261211212_56_84_C632N632n Yorkshire Laneredacted-o8$58,000$1,619
40.334643974057-74.475193221661212_56_84_C634C634c Yorkshire Laneredacted-o8$72,200$2,015
40.334663849204-74.4758189235621212_56_84_C635B635b Yale Wayredacted-o8$126,500$3,531
40.334920806892-74.4756541279531212_56_84_C636A636a Yale Wayredacted-o8$72,700$2,029
40.334922272564-74.4755456291181212_56_84_C636B636b Yale Wayredacted-o8$72,700$2,029
40.334923738056-74.4754371303961212_56_84_C636N636n Yale Wayredacted-o8$66,600$1,859
40.334925208134-74.4753283053731212_56_84_C636O636o Yale Wayredacted-o8$59,600$1,664
40.335014961504-74.4749185795321212_56_84_C633B633b Yale Wayredacted-o8$127,400$3,557
40.335020263348-74.4749975344821212_56_84_C634A634a Yale Wayredacted-o8$107,400$2,748
40.335089156921-74.4750830129561212_56_84_C634B634b Yorkshire Laneredacted-o8$68,600$1,915
40.335131310119-74.4752727540741212_56_84_C637O637o Yale Wayredacted-o8$65,600$1,831
40.335149118536-74.4753790790041212_56_84_C637N637n Yale Wayredacted-o8$59,900$1,672
40.335166873649-74.4754850856491212_56_84_C637B637b Yale Wayredacted-o8$72,700$2,029
40.335184628922-74.4755910930151212_56_84_C637A637a Yale Wayredacted-o8$72,700$2,029
40.33529653661-74.4752198833661212_56_84_C638O638o Yale Wayredacted-o8$66,600$1,859
40.335304856186-74.4750006387121212_56_84_C640A640a Yorkshire Laneredacted-o8$115,900$3,235
40.335314345075-74.4753262085411212_56_84_C638N638n Yale Wayredacted-o8$59,600$1,664
40.335332100236-74.4754322154311212_56_84_C638B638b Yale Wayredacted-o8$72,700$2,029
40.335349855222-74.4755382227111212_56_84_C638A638a Yale Wayredacted-o8$72,700$2,029
40.335353178194-74.4748937545241212_56_84_C640B640b Yorkshire Laneredacted-o8$59,000$1,647
40.335458756704-74.4751713316981212_56_84_C639O639o Yale Wayredacted-o8$49,000$1,368

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