// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 550n Sheldon Way owned by redacted-o9 in Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 550n Sheldon Way, Monroe Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1212_56_77_C550N

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 550n Sheldon Way, Monroe Township, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 56, Lot: 77, QCode: C550N
Assessment (2023): $69,600
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,182
Area: 26985.4 acres
Perimeter: 39.86 miles
Population 2020: 48594
Pop Density 2020: 1152/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Monroe Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.329507492867-74.4747207502641212_56_72_C507A507a Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$179,100$5,000
40.329535278669-74.4743323621211212_56_72_C506A506a Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$197,200$5,505
40.329542636625-74.4738266311321212_56_72_C505B505b Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$141,300$3,945
40.329663952281-74.474585866581212_56_77_C548O548o Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$59,600$1,414
40.329680521652-74.4744804567041212_56_77_C548N548n Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$66,600$1,859
40.329697090874-74.4743750462981212_56_77_C548B548b Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$72,700$2,029
40.329713557889-74.4742702850521212_56_77_C548A548a Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$72,700$2,029
40.329754564519-74.4747828003271212_56_77_C545A545a Springfield Wayredacted-o8$179,100$5,000
40.329772591436-74.4739218568971212_56_77_C549A549a Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$201,400$5,623
40.329855306543-74.4745730454471212_56_77_C547N547n Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$58,000$1,619
40.329958618817-74.4740557834641212_56_77_C550A550a Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$93,700$2,616
40.329964032263-74.4745355237191212_56_77_C547C547c Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$74,100$2,068
40.330014559295-74.4747789870671212_56_77_C546A546a Springfield Wayredacted-o8$111,700$3,118
40.330016525866-74.4745752251481212_56_77_C547B547b Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$59,000$1,647
40.330029498691-74.4740976348511212_56_77_C550N550n Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$69,600$1,943
40.330100188137-74.4741393745311212_56_77_C550O550o Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$37,000$1,033
40.330109650592-74.4745506751731212_56_77_C547A547a Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$110,000$2,821
40.330272237047-74.4742131045411212_56_77_C551A551a Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$130,500$3,393
40.330378246262-74.4743248593311212_56_77_C551B551b Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$142,300$3,973
40.330478613756-74.4747879926941212_56_77_C562A562a Sheldon Wayredacted-o8$114,700$3,202
40.330542484551-74.4743749169511212_56_77_C552A552a Tilton Wayredacted-o8$95,700$2,671

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