// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 489n New Haven Way owned by redacted-o9 in Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 489n New Haven Way, Monroe Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1212_56_71_C489N

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 489n New Haven Way, Monroe Township, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 56, Lot: 71, QCode: C489N
Assessment (2023): $58,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,182
Area: 26985.4 acres
Perimeter: 39.86 miles
Population 2020: 48594
Pop Density 2020: 1152/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Monroe Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.32774771352-74.4756683994661212_56_71_C485B485b New Haven Wayredacted-o8$132,600$3,702
40.327800374741-74.4758710956541212_56_71_C486A486a Newport Wayredacted-o8$84,700$2,364
40.327846497298-74.4759711520771212_56_71_C486N486n Newport Wayredacted-o8$68,100$1,901
40.327866650905-74.4751672320191212_56_52Entrance Roadredacted-o8
40.327892293559-74.4760705010011212_56_71_C486O486o Newport Wayredacted-o8$35,800$999
40.327894566527-74.47540911961212_56_71_C488C488c New Haven Wayredacted-o8$114,800$3,205
40.327935064172-74.475534159891212_56_71_C488A488a New Haven Wayredacted-o8$73,000$2,038
40.327967222821-74.4757854579171212_56_71_C487A487a Somerset Laneredacted-o8$108,100$3,018
40.328053160939-74.4752882865931212_56_71_C489A489a New Haven Wayredacted-o8$109,000$3,043
40.328056630732-74.4756963384321212_56_71_C487B487b Somerset Laneredacted-o8$59,000$1,647
40.32811676205-74.4757067086461212_56_71_C487C487c Somerset Laneredacted-o8$73,000$2,038
40.328136617542-74.4753475932591212_56_71_C489B489b New Haven Wayredacted-o8$59,000$1,397
40.328195567183-74.475637384831212_56_71_C487N487n Somerset Laneredacted-o8$58,000$1,619
40.328195732821-74.4753298616331212_56_71_C489C489c New Haven Wayredacted-o8$80,300$2,241
40.328291173137-74.4754075706421212_56_71_C489N489n New Haven Wayredacted-o8$58,000$1,619
40.328388379372-74.4760742061831212_56_71_C492O492o Somerset Laneredacted-o8$59,600$1,664
40.328398098491-74.4756006118221212_56_71_C490A490a Old Nassau Roadredacted-o8$112,800$3,149
40.328470218319-74.4761009546791212_56_71_C492N492n Somerset Laneredacted-o8$66,600$1,859
40.328483227547-74.4757389407161212_56_71_C490B490b Old Nassau Roadredacted-o8$125,800$3,512
40.328560843602-74.4750071156871212_56_72_C499A499a Stockton Laneredacted-o8$107,400$2,998
40.328606225755-74.4748980640681212_56_72_C499B499b Stockton Laneredacted-o8$59,000$1,647
40.328663222746-74.4748709654151212_56_72_C499C499c Stockton Laneredacted-o8$77,700$2,169
40.328664698807-74.475948098821212_56_71_C491A491a Old Nassau Roadredacted-o8$182,300$4,839
40.328711009262-74.4747379566041212_56_72_C499N499n Stockton Laneredacted-o8$58,000$1,619
40.328720509742-74.4751860746571212_56_72_C498A498a Springfield Wayredacted-o8$177,600$4,708

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