// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 490a Grandin Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 490a Grandin Rd, Monroe Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1212_26_92_C490A

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 490a Grandin Rd, Monroe Township, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 26, Lot: 92, QCode: C490A
Assessment (2023): $143,800
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,182
Area: 26985.4 acres
Perimeter: 39.86 miles
Population 2020: 48594
Pop Density 2020: 1152/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Monroe Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.308353706179-74.4632015083611212_26_103_C704A704a Croydon Roadredacted-o8$115,300$3,128
40.308382030044-74.4640294219141212_26_90_C483D483d Fairton Driveredacted-o8$101,900$2,764
40.308388539871-74.4641406137971212_26_90_C483C483c Fairton Driveredacted-o8$114,200$3,098
40.308395049139-74.4642518051131212_26_90_C483B483b Fairton Driveredacted-o8$107,700$2,671
40.308419762635-74.4635797326961212_26_92_C487B487b Grandin Rdredacted-o8$152,600$4,140
40.308473933597-74.463196170031212_26_103_C704B704b Croydon Roadredacted-o8$129,100$3,502
40.308498052312-74.4638455232031212_26_91Grandin Rdredacted-o8
40.308580763784-74.4635689126531212_26_92_C488A488a Grandin Rdredacted-o8$126,100$3,421
40.308595746677-74.4640698169121212_26_90_C489C489c Grandin Rdredacted-o8$151,600$3,862
40.308625649135-74.463174813481212_26_103_C706A706a Croydon Roadredacted-o8$128,500$3,486
40.308696734327-74.4635688503431212_26_92_C488B488b Grandin Rdredacted-o8$116,200$3,152
40.308710655791-74.4640697560211212_26_90_C489B489b Grandin Rdredacted-o8$102,100$2,769
40.308738418275-74.4631747522351212_26_103_C706B706b Croydon Roadredacted-o8$100,400$2,723
40.30882556175-74.4640696951311212_26_90_C489A489a Grandin Rdredacted-o8$121,100$3,285
40.308851191916-74.4631746909861212_26_103_C706C706c Croydon Roadredacted-o8$146,500$3,974
40.308870411904-74.4635739900071212_26_92_C490A490a Grandin Rdredacted-o8$143,800$3,901
40.308963965554-74.4631746297371212_26_103_C706D706d Croydon Roadredacted-o8$115,300$3,128
40.308986130256-74.463573927841212_26_92_C490B490b Grandin Rdredacted-o8$107,300$2,911
40.309046981856-74.4640612306551212_26_90_C501B501b Delair Roadredacted-o8$111,100$3,014
40.309083533476-74.4642372843291212_26_90_C501A501a Delair Roadredacted-o8$132,800
40.309101805824-74.4635738656961212_26_92_C490C490c Grandin Rdredacted-o8$131,100$3,306
40.309144147351-74.4631746609831212_26_103_C708A708a Croydon Roadredacted-o8$101,200$2,745

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