// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 334 Graham St. owned by redacted-o9 in Highland Park Borough, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 334 Graham St., Highland Park Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1207_2703_12

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 334 Graham St., Highland Park Borough, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 2703, Lot: 12
Assessment (2023): $115,900
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,993
Area: 1170.02 acres
Perimeter: 6.29 miles
Population 2020: 15072
Pop Density 2020: 8244/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Highland Park Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.493125890146-74.4243240527831207_2703_1615 Braun Averedacted-o8$123,100$10,718
40.493146458665-74.4232998558961207_2704_12324 Donaldson St.redacted-o8$164,500$12,480
40.493257369052-74.4243756666671207_2703_3611 Braun Ave.redacted-o8$164,300$12,899
40.493313595658-74.4239754451221207_2703_28311 Donaldson Stredacted-o8$275,900$25,374
40.493343293588-74.4238463386551207_2703_26.01317 Donaldson St.redacted-o8$242,500$19,189
40.4933828915-74.4236741967851207_2703_24.01319 Donaldson Stredacted-o8$259,700$20,630
40.493409417338-74.4234030805381207_2703_22612 So. 4th Ave.redacted-o8$206,900$16,511
40.493463698164-74.4245692769541207_2703_5320 Graham Stredacted-o8$120,900$10,334
40.49349735679-74.4244229563861207_2703_6324 Graham St.redacted-o8$125,900$11,288
40.4935329954-74.4242680288991207_2703_7328 Graham Stredacted-o8$122,700$10,519
40.493540896963-74.4234546927861207_2703_20610 So. 4th Ave.redacted-o8$115,300$8,275
40.493568633926-74.4241131008091207_2703_8330 Graham St.redacted-o8$126,500$10,616
40.493596352821-74.4239926010581207_2703_12334 Graham St.redacted-o8$115,900$8,867
40.493635950183-74.423820458781207_2703_14338 Graham Stredacted-o8$139,100$11,653
40.493685447425-74.4236052802061207_2703_17342 Graham St.redacted-o8$109,600$8,478
40.49372504466-74.4234331374731207_2703_18346 Graham St.redacted-o8$131,700$11,330
40.493883873633-74.4246122295931207_2702_20325 Graham St.redacted-o8$107,600$9,357
40.493911592998-74.4244917294641207_2702_19329 Graham Stredacted-o8$110,700$9,365
40.493939311787-74.4243712292361207_2702_18333 Graham St.redacted-o8$115,600$9,807
40.493967030645-74.4242507292911207_2702_17337 Graham St.redacted-o8$118,100$9,982
40.493994749439-74.4241302290741207_2702_16341 Graham Stredacted-o8$108,800$9,307
40.494022468106-74.4240097287571207_2702_15345 Graham St.redacted-o8$123,500$10,364
40.494026720209-74.4236360218671207_2702_13514 So. 4th Ave.redacted-o8$129,100$10,371
40.494050186632-74.4238892285741207_2702_14349 Graham Stredacted-o8$108,100$9,962
40.494129274065-74.4236762806321207_2702_12510 So. 4th Ave.redacted-o8$110,300$9,577

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