// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 224 Montgomery St. owned by redacted-o9 in Highland Park Borough, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 224 Montgomery St., Highland Park Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1207_1601_60

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 224 Montgomery St., Highland Park Borough, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 1601, Lot: 60
Assessment (2023): $205,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,993
Area: 1170.02 acres
Perimeter: 6.29 miles
Population 2020: 15072
Pop Density 2020: 8244/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Highland Park Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.499797393102-74.4305755074921207_1601_34109 No. 2nd Ave.redacted-o8$144,300$12,310
40.499826954634-74.4300626432031207_1601_39217 Denison St.redacted-o8$193,200$14,705
40.49986664941-74.4299500019951207_1601_40219 Denison St.redacted-o8$161,600$13,002
40.499914398954-74.429814506481207_1601_41221 Denison St.redacted-o8$220,800$22,639
40.499967613088-74.4296635020291207_1601_42225-227 Denison St.redacted-o8$233,400$21,410
40.500020539215-74.4295133135211207_1601_43229-231 Denison St.redacted-o8$205,400$18,735
40.500075478808-74.429357411291207_1601_44233-235 Denison Stredacted-o8$222,200$21,442
40.500161689071-74.4303997389741207_1601_64214 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$214,100$20,760
40.500204837152-74.4302773031741207_1601_63216 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$115,500$8,205
40.500245106838-74.4301630289521207_1601_62220 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$186,300$16,626
40.5002882539-74.4300405928531207_1601_61222 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$114,600$9,832
40.500334277229-74.4299099941251207_1601_60224 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$205,000$20,953
40.50039180635-74.4297467452891207_1601_59228 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$148,900$12,207
40.500434953184-74.4296243081991207_1601_58232 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$90,800$8,565
40.500463717399-74.4295426835261207_1601_57234 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$104,100$7,951
40.500470927587-74.4292004756921207_1601_50114 No. 3rd Ave.redacted-o8$117,200$8,588
40.500559692885-74.4294609961581207_1601_56236 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$152,800$10,733
40.500618353948-74.4294084534641207_1601_54Montgomery St.redacted-o8$4,000$94
40.500662942436-74.4292175740171207_1601_52118 No. 3rd Ave.redacted-o8$174,000$12,559
40.500743944612-74.4292665592031207_1601_53120 No. 3rd Ave.redacted-o8$165,800$12,132
40.500752204959-74.4305258036271207_1503_23219 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$124,900$10,728
40.500785762367-74.430430580431207_1503_22221 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$86,900$7,816
40.500826033449-74.430316306251207_1503_21223 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$155,100$11,178
40.500869179882-74.4301938683821207_1503_38227 Montgomery St.redacted-o8$175,200$14,860

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