// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 16 Holly Street owned by redacted-o9 in Carteret Borough, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 16 Holly Street, Carteret Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1201_7204_10

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 16 Holly Street, Carteret Borough, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 7204, Lot: 10
Assessment (2023): $273,700
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,925
Area: 2883.94 acres
Perimeter: 10.76 miles
Population 2020: 25326
Pop Density 2020: 5620/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Carteret Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.57190063696-74.2305136706671201_7205_1Holly Stredacted-o8$33,300$1,034
40.571934873025-74.230290308531201_7205_211 Holly Streetredacted-o8$544,100$16,899
40.571975104044-74.2300257739041201_7205_315 Holly Stredacted-o8$220,600$6,601
40.572002332192-74.2298494510071201_7205_433 Holly Stredacted-o8$235,500$7,064
40.572035412841-74.229638583421201_7205_535-37 Holly Streetredacted-o8$362,700$11,265
40.572093972514-74.2292652960121201_7209_139 Holly Stredacted-o8$211,800$6,578
40.572320531126-74.2305044058511201_7204_1410 Holly Stredacted-o8$250,400$7,777
40.572344691007-74.2303501261441201_7204_1312 Holly Stredacted-o8$208,900$6,488
40.572365399306-74.2302178882261201_7204_1212 1/2 Holly Streetredacted-o8$210,700$6,544
40.572389558218-74.230063612651201_7204_1114 Holly Stredacted-o8$179,300$5,569
40.572417168856-74.2298872950961201_7204_1016 Holly Streetredacted-o8$273,700$8,501
40.572444779035-74.2297109773611201_7204_918 Holly Streetredacted-o8$301,100$9,352
40.572493942842-74.2293954273361201_7208_1634 Holly Stredacted-o8$172,300$5,351
40.572515771328-74.2292562733691201_7208_1536 Holly Streetredacted-o8$216,500$6,474
40.57259359837-74.2305537509381201_7204_433 Spruce St.redacted-o8$177,100$5,500
40.572624606771-74.2303553786111201_7204_531 Spruce Stredacted-o8$162,000$5,031
40.572646914124-74.2297644916061201_7204_8.0135 Arthur Avenueredacted-o8$219,300$6,811
40.572659059952-74.2301349650171201_7204_629 Spruce Stredacted-o8$219,400$6,814
40.572686622037-74.2299586339571201_7204_727 Spruce Stredacted-o8$316,600$9,833
40.572770162778-74.229422660411201_7208_121 Spruce Stredacted-o8$217,900$6,767
40.572781454007-74.2298001140521201_7204_8.0233 Arthur Avenueredacted-o8$219,300$6,811
40.572798857247-74.2292394160071201_7208_219 Spruce Streetredacted-o8$218,200$6,777

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