// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 35 Laurel St owned by redacted-o9 in Carteret Borough, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 35 Laurel St, Carteret Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1201_7103_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 35 Laurel St, Carteret Borough, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 7103, Lot: 3
Assessment (2023): $208,400
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,925
Area: 2883.94 acres
Perimeter: 10.76 miles
Population 2020: 25326
Pop Density 2020: 5620/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Carteret Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.573466172438-74.231717605131201_4403_1543 Leber Avenueredacted-o8$301,000$9,349
40.573548363573-74.2311884733991201_7103_1544 Leber Averedacted-o8$223,700$6,948
40.573656666004-74.2309421178371201_7103_1436 Birch Streetredacted-o8$223,400$6,938
40.573680034306-74.2312241262011201_7103_1646 Leber Averedacted-o8$219,200$6,808
40.573684062127-74.2307657397511201_7103_1334 Birch Streetredacted-o8$229,200$7,118
40.573711457988-74.230589361481201_7103_1232 Birch Streetredacted-o8$206,100$6,151
40.573738853582-74.2304129830431201_7103_1130 Birch Stredacted-o8$250,700$7,786
40.57381445884-74.2312604893331201_7103_148 Leber Ave.redacted-o8$244,500$7,594
40.573922820243-74.231014118061201_7103_335 Laurel Stredacted-o8$208,400$6,472
40.573948883038-74.23129685271201_7103_250 Leber Avenueredacted-o8$209,100$6,494
40.573950252952-74.2308377493241201_7103_433 Laurel Stredacted-o8$210,800$6,547
40.573977685417-74.2306613802741201_7103_531 Laurel Stredacted-o8$217,300$6,499
40.574005117595-74.2304850111931201_7103_629 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$202,500$6,289
40.574217635859-74.231369559331201_7102_1552 Leber Averedacted-o8$236,700$7,351
40.574325989234-74.2311231797921201_7102_1436 Laurel Stredacted-o8$218,200$6,777
40.574351966538-74.2314058921461201_7102_1654 Leber Averedacted-o8$251,300$7,805
40.57435341582-74.2309468081341201_7102_1334 Laurel Stredacted-o8$208,000$6,460
40.574380842138-74.2307704363221201_7102_1232 Laurel Stredacted-o8$214,300$6,656
40.574381884706-74.2303134742551201_7102_1053 Arthur Ave.redacted-o8$206,300$6,407
40.574408268195-74.2305940643171201_7102_1130 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$238,300$7,401

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