// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1261 Mrtn King Jr Blv owned by redacted-o9 in Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1261 Mrtn King Jr Blv, Trenton, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1111_9404_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1261 Mrtn King Jr Blv, Trenton, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 9404, Lot: 1
Assessment (2022): $135,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 31,769
Area: 5268.33 acres
Perimeter: 17.96 miles
Population 2020: 90871
Pop Density 2020: 11039/sq-mi

31 neighbors in Trenton whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.236451506083-74.7554052215181111_24603_9223 Miller Stredacted-o8$33,100$1,838
40.236467161597-74.7558782920441111_24603_181240 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$226,600$12,583
40.236478052127-74.7565758390231111_9405_21221 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$111,900$6,213
40.236485318006-74.7554616663431111_24603_10225 Miller Stredacted-o8$31,100$1,726
40.236558547995-74.7557853003571111_24603_161242 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$251,800$13,982
40.236678620929-74.756371749421111_9404_101245-47 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$182,300$10,123
40.236790606025-74.7562577977691111_9404_8Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$17,100$949
40.23682903157-74.7562186984261111_9404_71249 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$36,300$2,015
40.236841308964-74.7554975443431111_24601_101246 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$6,500$360
40.236859339274-74.756187860021111_9404_61251 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$29,300$1,627
40.236884585928-74.7554534565371111_24601_111248 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$57,500$3,192
40.236886398167-74.756160322951111_9404_51253 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$30,000$1,665
40.236912938395-74.756132077861111_9404_41255 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$30,400$1,688
40.23692786267-74.7554093676831111_24601_121250 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$58,400
40.23693263605-74.7560926773341111_9404_31257 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$27,200$1,510
40.236951800721-74.7560463183721111_9404_21259 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$31,300$1,738
40.236959041832-74.7563853292231111_9404_17Calhoun Stredacted-o8$11,400$633
40.236971139531-74.7553652794091111_24601_131252 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$58,400
40.236977193979-74.7559885481091111_9404_11261 Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$135,500$7,524
40.236978414942-74.7564973978331111_9404_16Jennett Stredacted-o8$500
40.237090212579-74.7557646984251111_9401_1Mrtn King Jr Blvredacted-o8$5,400
40.237200330808-74.7563769021831111_9403_1Jennett Stredacted-o8$14,900$1,071
40.237216441273-74.7564655496581111_9403_165 Jennett Stredacted-o8$300$16
40.237231499653-74.7565361745571111_9403_157 Jennett Stredacted-o8$29,400$2,571
40.237262768567-74.7566772328521111_9403_139 Jennett Stredacted-o8$1,700$94
40.237332691951-74.7559079442481111_9402_62 Jennett Stredacted-o8$54,900$3,048
40.237415892476-74.7557439178081111_9402_51279 Princeton Averedacted-o8$43,800$2,432
40.237444472511-74.7556926258711111_9402_41281 Princeton Averedacted-o8$40,900$2,021
40.23746986641-74.7556373727891111_9402_31283 Princeton Averedacted-o8$18,500$1,027
40.237507424388-74.7562625779831111_9402_822 Jennett Stredacted-o8$47,500$2,637
40.237520567462-74.7556758054481111_9402_21285-1287 Princeton Averedacted-o8$151,400$8,407

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