// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 4 Nordacs St owned by redacted-o9 in Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 4 Nordacs St, Trenton, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1111_5601_4

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 4 Nordacs St, Trenton, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 5601, Lot: 4
Assessment (2022): $39,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 31,769
Area: 5268.33 acres
Perimeter: 17.96 miles
Population 2020: 90871
Pop Density 2020: 11039/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Trenton whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.237699282114-74.778619918111111_5601_2528 Hoffman Averedacted-o8$2,317,000$128,663
40.237840423553-74.7793939877041111_5601_32 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$42,500$2,360
40.237885971188-74.7793231259271111_5601_44 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$39,100$2,171
40.237926692438-74.7792555409571111_5601_56 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$40,100$2,226
40.237967379047-74.7791880117751111_5601_68 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$41,600$2,310
40.238008082368-74.7791204541021111_5601_710 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$41,100$2,282
40.238048820121-74.7790528401211111_5601_812 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$41,100$2,282
40.238089540415-74.7789852537921111_5601_914 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$41,100$2,282
40.238130260728-74.7789176678751111_5601_1016 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$37,700$2,093
40.238163679277-74.7797256388491111_5601_331 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$38,700$2,149
40.238171325248-74.7788482832231111_5601_11.0118 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$14,700
40.238205709956-74.7796511351021111_5601_323 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$35,900$1,993
40.238210557825-74.7787752436731111_5601_1120 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$14,700
40.238244620729-74.7786808243891111_5601_1222 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$38,600$2,143
40.238246430399-74.7795835490491111_5601_315 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$38,600$2,143
40.238287151816-74.7795159638991111_5601_307 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$42,400$2,354
40.238327872303-74.779448377741111_5601_299 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$38,900$2,160
40.238368592936-74.7793807920031111_5601_2811 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$43,000$2,387
40.238375958212-74.7799434108721111_5601_34336 Brinton Averedacted-o8$41,500$2,304
40.238409313862-74.7793132061891111_5601_2713 Nordacs Stredacted-o8$42,600$2,365
40.2384215224-74.7798725320321111_5601_35334 Brinton Averedacted-o8$41,500$2,304

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