// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1001 Greenwood Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1001 Greenwood Ave, Trenton, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1111_28001_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1001 Greenwood Ave, Trenton, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 28001, Lot: 9
Assessment (2022): $50,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 31,769
Area: 5268.33 acres
Perimeter: 17.96 miles
Population 2020: 90871
Pop Density 2020: 11039/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Trenton whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.221512209309-74.740394573231111_27902_4221 S Cook Averedacted-o8$68,700$3,814
40.221512879725-74.7396431327651111_28006_11232 S Cook Averedacted-o8$48,800$2,709
40.221553809885-74.7396835551891111_28006_12230 S Cook Averedacted-o8$50,200$2,787
40.221607599112-74.7397366776011111_28006_13228 S Cook Averedacted-o8$56,600$3,143
40.221662318044-74.7397907188751111_28006_14226 S Cook Averedacted-o8$52,600$2,920
40.221684533292-74.7408799525281111_27901_6935 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$74,700$4,148
40.221711565207-74.7398393558481111_28006_15224 S Cook Averedacted-o8$47,600$2,643
40.221748808849-74.7407205827051111_27901_7937 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$96,300$5,347
40.221766284347-74.7398933975821111_28006_16222 S Cook Averedacted-o8$50,500$2,804
40.221813704242-74.739940229461111_28006_17220 S Cook Averedacted-o8$52,100$2,893
40.221825206346-74.7405718166561111_27901_8939 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$118,800$6,596
40.221851347419-74.7399896045011111_28006_18218 S Cook Averedacted-o8$55,800$3,098
40.222020331009-74.7403455099011111_28001_10999 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$69,100$3,837
40.222030161019-74.7396183842151111_28005_14221 Ardmore Averedacted-o8$53,100$2,948
40.222033955257-74.7402779338661111_28001_91001 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$50,600$2,809
40.222064644502-74.7402181744341111_28001_81003 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$47,100$2,615
40.222094629884-74.7401597823151111_28001_71005 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$47,300$2,626
40.222127672461-74.740095441051111_28001_61007 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$65,100$3,615
40.222164801064-74.7400231395191111_28001_51009 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$62,100$3,448
40.222202502963-74.7399497221221111_28001_41011 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$63,600$3,531
40.222240205013-74.7398763046891111_28001_31013 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$68,800$3,820
40.22227809838-74.7398025160841111_28001_21015 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$59,000$3,276
40.22231149898-74.7397144992391111_28001_11017 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$32,000$1,776
40.222502300629-74.7407345916311111_27305_161004 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$53,100$2,948
40.22255652412-74.7406180318661111_27305_151006 Greenwood Averedacted-o8$71,500$3,970

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