// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 435 Tyler St owned by redacted-o9 in Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 435 Tyler St, Trenton, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1111_14104_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 435 Tyler St, Trenton, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 14104, Lot: 1
Assessment (2022): $663,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 31,769
Area: 5268.33 acres
Perimeter: 17.96 miles
Population 2020: 90871
Pop Density 2020: 11039/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Trenton whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.216996310419-74.7453522194471111_14105_775 Culbertson Averedacted-o8$72,500
40.217031957054-74.7451267813011111_14105_321 N Anderson Stredacted-o8$44,600$2,476
40.217076334851-74.7451317317161111_14105_423 N Anderson Stredacted-o8$41,200$2,287
40.217111366405-74.7451586495521111_14105_525 N Anderson Stredacted-o8$41,200$2,287
40.217151989519-74.7451664937371111_14105_627 N Anderson Stredacted-o8$37,700$2,093
40.217235896332-74.7462015067431111_14104_2720 Monmouth Stredacted-o8$1,178,800$65,458
40.217483122387-74.7455668032751111_14104_1435 Tyler Stredacted-o8$663,200$36,827
40.217529787346-74.7450338484151111_14204_14104 Culbertson Averedacted-o8$75,900$4,214
40.217552005265-74.7449761272611111_14204_13106 Culbertson Averedacted-o8$49,000$2,720
40.21757342779-74.7449195339651111_14204_12108 Culbertson Averedacted-o8$47,200$2,621
40.217593343893-74.7448669225931111_14204_11110 Culbertson Averedacted-o8$45,200$2,509
40.217776237793-74.7451915983451111_14204_15501 Tyler Stredacted-o8$85,000$4,720
40.217798086968-74.7451348656371111_14204_16503 Tyler Stredacted-o8$42,800$2,376
40.217810506777-74.7462546157511111_14103_10424 Tyler Stredacted-o8$50,100$2,782
40.217818549474-74.7450808087331111_14204_17505 Tyler Stredacted-o8$41,500$2,304
40.217836335847-74.7461863825531111_14103_9426 Tyler Stredacted-o8$52,200$2,898
40.217843193205-74.7450157062561111_14204_18511 Tyler Stredacted-o8$102,100$5,669
40.217856088069-74.7461342042571111_14103_8428 Tyler Stredacted-o8$50,900$2,826
40.217875840064-74.7460820260851111_14103_7430 Tyler Stredacted-o8$44,900$2,493
40.217901669192-74.7460137930521111_14103_6432 Tyler Stredacted-o8$73,100$4,059
40.217903966487-74.7448551579821111_14204_20517 Tyler Stredacted-o8$91,600$5,086
40.217932056959-74.7459335184171111_14103_5440 Tyler Stredacted-o8$104,400$5,797
40.217962444871-74.7458532441471111_14103_4446 Tyler Stredacted-o8$50,000$2,776
40.217992831874-74.7457729695171111_14103_3448 Tyler Stredacted-o8$46,000$2,554
40.218023218822-74.7456926948151111_14103_2450 Tyler Stredacted-o8$82,000$4,553

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