// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 740 S Warren St owned by redacted-o9 in Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 740 S Warren St, Trenton, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1111_10901_14

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 740 S Warren St, Trenton, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 10901, Lot: 14
Assessment (2022): $12,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 31,769
Area: 5268.33 acres
Perimeter: 17.96 miles
Population 2020: 90871
Pop Density 2020: 11039/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Trenton whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.209205150475-74.7645406018831111_11101_599 Ferry Stredacted-o8$5,700
40.209256296333-74.7644780696521111_11101_6101 Ferry Stredacted-o8$36,000$1,749
40.209276139363-74.765228659981111_10901_1350 Ferry Stredacted-o8$227,700
40.20928350555-74.764427683941111_11101_7103 Ferry Stredacted-o8$35,200$1,954
40.209309186929-74.7643801300051111_11101_8105 Ferry Stredacted-o8$35,300$1,960
40.209334899077-74.7643325154311111_11101_9107 Ferry Stredacted-o8$36,100$2,004
40.20936061266-74.7642849013491111_11101_10109 Ferry Stredacted-o8$35,300$1,960
40.209386277632-74.7642373764061111_11101_11111 Ferry Stredacted-o8$35,300$1,960
40.209427228294-74.7642128032321111_11101_12113 Ferry Stredacted-o8$35,300$1,960
40.209499419578-74.7647054577331111_10901_12S Warren Stredacted-o8$19,000$1,055
40.20951270916-74.764233648631111_11101_13115 Ferry Stredacted-o8$37,500$2,082
40.209594886873-74.7646191589081111_10901_11744 S Warren Stredacted-o8$12,700
40.209664628833-74.7638805541031111_11101_14127 Ferry Stredacted-o8$50,700$2,815
40.209666969221-74.7645813737671111_10901_11.01742 S Warren Stredacted-o8$7,800
40.209731603356-74.764534531691111_10901_14740 S Warren Stredacted-o8$12,800
40.209737827213-74.7638621065611111_11101_15129 Ferry Stredacted-o8$41,900$2,326
40.209775497934-74.7643512778691111_10901_10120 Ferry Stredacted-o8$5,900
40.209794771765-74.7649076799361111_10901_16Bridge Stredacted-o8$14,100
40.209828594565-74.7645446972491111_10901_15738 S Warren Stredacted-o8$15,900
40.209875503301-74.764323014841111_10901_9122 Ferry Stredacted-o8$46,200$2,565
40.209936244922-74.7641759421141111_10901_8128-130 Ferry Stredacted-o8$121,400$6,741
40.210071167395-74.7641291127511111_10901_7Ferry Stredacted-o8$41,100
40.210139242891-74.7639860331891111_10901_6Ferry Stredacted-o8$9,200
40.21018914649-74.7639244402191111_10901_5144 Ferry Stredacted-o8$19,500$1,082
40.210218929-74.7638459256421111_10901_4146 Ferry Stredacted-o8$28,700$1,593

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