// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 6 Cannon Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Pennington Borough, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 6 Cannon Drive, Pennington Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1108_102_1_C1102

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 6 Cannon Drive, Pennington Borough, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 102, Lot: 1, QCode: C1102
Assessment (2022): $443,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 1,151
Area: 623.79 acres
Perimeter: 5.31 miles
Population 2020: 2802
Pop Density 2020: 2875/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Pennington Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.333083635125-74.7959200010291108_102_1_C060318 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$492,400$13,865
40.333135355158-74.7958141920031108_102_1_C060216 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$492,400$13,865
40.333151071679-74.7971476567821108_102_1_C170135 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$496,600$13,984
40.333165545299-74.7970077184671108_102_1_C170233 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$492,400$13,866
40.333178413785-74.7968832989661108_102_1_C170331 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$492,400$13,866
40.333192886889-74.7967433605011108_102_1_C170429 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$496,600$13,984
40.333313580498-74.7963069266741108_102_1_C100127 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333356455108-74.7962192731811108_102_1_C100225 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$443,700$12,066
40.333393415615-74.7961437093491108_102_1_C100323 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.33342366322-74.7971476363771108_102_1_C120415 Cannon Driveredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333434085322-74.7970445029321108_102_1_C120313 Cannon Driveredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.33343628965-74.7960560556471108_102_1_C100421 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333443069197-74.7969555940441108_102_1_C120211 Cannon Driveredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333453490865-74.7968524603471108_102_1_C12019 Cannon Driveredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333491029449-74.7963819574971108_102_1_C11042 Cannon Driveredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333502028399-74.7959051012941108_102_1_C090119 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333544902704-74.7958174473021108_102_1_C090217 Tucker Wayredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333557771611-74.7964386656011108_102_1_C11034 Cannon Driveredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333615308525-74.796487551761108_102_1_C11026 Cannon Driveredacted-o8$443,700$12,494
40.333682050313-74.7965442605631108_102_1_C11018 Cannon Driveredacted-o8$443,700$12,494

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