// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 128 Hansen Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 128 Hansen Ave, Hamilton Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1103_2571_8

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 128 Hansen Ave, Hamilton Township, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 2571, Lot: 8
Assessment (2022): $193,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 35,091
Area: 25762.3 acres
Perimeter: 39.49 miles
Population 2020: 92297
Pop Density 2020: 2293/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Hamilton Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.19268707258-74.6873396210491103_2570_7129 Hansen Averedacted-o8$162,400$5,299
40.192709238698-74.6872085141211103_2570_8137 Hansen Averedacted-o8$131,700$4,297
40.192738775902-74.6870337454871103_2570_10143 Hansen Averedacted-o8$172,000$5,612
40.192768319268-74.6868589760681103_2570_11149 Hansen Averedacted-o8$166,200$5,423
40.192958361037-74.6880790083351103_2571_13207 Maxwell Drredacted-o8$176,900$5,772
40.193002702343-74.6878168371711103_2571_12116 Hansen Averedacted-o8$163,700$5,341
40.193130610788-74.6880369304941103_2571_15213 Maxwell Drredacted-o8$166,400$5,429
40.19319976066-74.6876902633771103_2571_9124 Hansen Averedacted-o8$211,400$6,897
40.193229351074-74.6875154788181103_2571_8128 Hansen Averedacted-o8$193,200$6,304
40.19326465188-74.6880754728511103_2571_16219 Maxwell Drredacted-o8$166,300$5,176
40.193281084824-74.6872095698611103_2571_5132 Hansen Averedacted-o8$181,800$5,932
40.193306214296-74.6870610209511103_2571_3150 Hansen Averedacted-o8$210,700$6,875
40.193338738735-74.6868687482061103_2571_1156 Hansen Averedacted-o8$217,200$7,087
40.193398703175-74.6881140176041103_2571_19225 Maxwell Drredacted-o8$164,500$5,117
40.193532758792-74.6881525228571103_2571_21231 Maxwell Drredacted-o8$162,100$5,289
40.193654171965-74.6882241534921103_2571_23239 Maxwell Drredacted-o8$188,100$6,137
40.193715819201-74.6878386907861103_2571_26123 Dancer Drredacted-o8$165,400$5,397
40.193737977288-74.6877075831071103_2571_28131 Dancer Drredacted-o8$173,500$5,661
40.193768030389-74.687532278731103_2571_30137 Dancer Drredacted-o8$181,300$5,915

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