// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 17 James Cubberly Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 17 James Cubberly Ct, Hamilton Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1103_2523_21

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 17 James Cubberly Ct, Hamilton Township, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 2523, Lot: 21
Assessment (2022): $160,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 35,091
Area: 25762.3 acres
Perimeter: 39.49 miles
Population 2020: 92297
Pop Density 2020: 2293/sq-mi

29 neighbors in Hamilton Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.186727659516-74.7020227587831103_2523_338 Robert Pearson Ctredacted-o8$197,000$6,170
40.186791395603-74.7020445847631103_2523_327 Robert Pearson Ctredacted-o8$198,300$6,470
40.186994589001-74.7020955078951103_2523_316 Robert Pearson Ctredacted-o8$145,400$4,744
40.18700006086-74.7020098899061103_2523_305 Robert Pearson Ctredacted-o8$142,400$4,646
40.187004622965-74.7019385398461103_2523_294 Robert Pearson Ctredacted-o8$141,200$4,607
40.187009208667-74.7018671873431103_2523_283 Robert Pearson Ctredacted-o8$139,600$4,555
40.187013794166-74.7017958347461103_2523_272 Robert Pearson Ctredacted-o8$145,200$4,737
40.187019305106-74.7017102226711103_2523_261 Robert Pearson Ctredacted-o8$145,200$4,737
40.18705620929-74.7015493725591103_2523_13301 Broad Stredacted-o8
40.187263003348-74.7021306159941103_2523_2016 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$163,800$5,344
40.187269742608-74.7020451448991103_2523_2117 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$160,200$5,227
40.187275333941-74.7019739314591103_2523_2218 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$155,800$5,083
40.187280995282-74.7019027563661103_2523_2319 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$156,600$5,109
40.187286586285-74.701831543161103_2523_2420 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$157,700$5,145
40.187293341286-74.7017461024431103_2523_2521 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$166,800$5,442
40.187393236876-74.7023819155721103_2523_1915 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$199,300$6,503
40.187447597927-74.7024304702131103_2523_1814 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$185,900$6,065
40.187492910212-74.7024708739891103_2523_1712 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$188,900$6,163
40.187538222545-74.7025112781831103_2523_1611 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$188,100$6,137
40.18758353489-74.702551738711103_2523_1510 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$192,200$6,271
40.187637895835-74.7026002934391103_2523_149 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$201,600$6,578
40.187714542056-74.7017771343111103_2523_921 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$144,200$4,705
40.187717949379-74.7018629147691103_2523_932 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$141,000$4,600
40.187720781835-74.7019343963991103_2523_943 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$137,400$4,483
40.187723619503-74.7020058891941103_2523_954 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$142,600$4,653
40.187726451632-74.7020773708071103_2523_965 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$139,600$4,555
40.187729289501-74.7021488869731103_2523_976 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$140,000$4,568
40.187732058824-74.7022204033151103_2523_987 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$140,900$4,597
40.187735409584-74.7023061833081103_2523_998 James Cubberly Ctredacted-o8$145,100$4,734

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