// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 151 Harbinson Pl owned by redacted-o9 in East Windsor Township, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 151 Harbinson Pl, East Windsor Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1101_20_151

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 151 Harbinson Pl, East Windsor Township, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 20, Lot: 151
Assessment (2022): $168,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,592
Area: 10019.2 acres
Perimeter: 26.85 miles
Population 2020: 30045
Pop Density 2020: 1919/sq-mi

21 neighbors in East Windsor Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.256690437704-74.484768616431101_21_8.0710 Hidden Springs Laneredacted-o8$484,900$16,515
40.25709821576-74.4856653933841101_20_146146 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$207,300$6,803
40.257116592098-74.4851300980261101_20_152152 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$218,200$7,161
40.257156767196-74.4856594873111101_20_145145 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$175,800$5,769
40.257172935333-74.4851242045511101_20_151151 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$168,600$5,533
40.257213040691-74.4856500747051101_20_144144 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$175,000$5,743
40.257229120281-74.4851160965981101_20_150150 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$182,800$5,999
40.257278851133-74.4856447652631101_20_143143 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$194,000$6,367
40.257294856459-74.4851088568321101_20_149149 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$206,200$6,504
40.257344427595-74.4856387000011101_20_142142 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$187,200$6,143
40.257359112531-74.4850999008141101_20_148148 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$184,800$6,065
40.257400643029-74.4856265069051101_20_141141 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$172,600$5,664
40.257423571861-74.4850928381711101_20_147147 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$215,300$7,066
40.257459376564-74.4856245397611101_20_140140 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$185,800$6,097
40.257527032122-74.485614418311101_20_139139 Harbinson Plredacted-o8$200,900$6,593
40.257558830057-74.4844228180071101_20_158158 Henderson Plredacted-o8$200,700$6,586
40.257560454191-74.4845070352421101_20_157157 Henderson Plredacted-o8$190,000$6,235
40.257571276073-74.4845898554731101_20_156156 Henderson Plredacted-o8$191,300$6,278
40.257578633148-74.4846703684251101_20_155155 Henderson Plredacted-o8$208,100$6,829
40.257585053347-74.4847484373031101_20_154154 Henderson Plredacted-o8$185,200$6,078
40.257590687028-74.4848267034451101_20_153153 Henderson Plredacted-o8$190,300$6,245

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