// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 912 Jamestown Rd owned by redacted-o9 in East Windsor Township, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 912 Jamestown Rd, East Windsor Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1101_14_912

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 912 Jamestown Rd, East Windsor Township, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 14, Lot: 912
Assessment (2022): $201,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,592
Area: 10019.2 acres
Perimeter: 26.85 miles
Population 2020: 30045
Pop Density 2020: 1919/sq-mi

25 neighbors in East Windsor Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.270187584299-74.4876085304021101_14_885885 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$209,200$6,865
40.270196205672-74.4876899874031101_14_886886 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$202,200$6,636
40.270201815198-74.487776371631101_14_887887 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$204,800$6,721
40.270204983984-74.4871275784971101_14_907907 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$212,300$6,967
40.270268796675-74.4871145110861101_14_908908 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$193,500$6,350
40.270325237286-74.4871036185611101_14_909909 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$177,100$5,812
40.270377834344-74.4870987895011101_14_910910 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$204,100$6,698
40.270442390681-74.4870886555821101_14_911911 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$189,200$6,209
40.270509424652-74.4870789818181101_14_912912 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$201,400$6,609
40.270570613662-74.4870687756981101_14_913913 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$185,000$6,071
40.270629298464-74.4870599697531101_14_914914 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$184,800$6,065
40.27066867442-74.4865219706331101_14_920920 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$202,400$6,642
40.270683132132-74.4866581066231101_14_918918 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$178,900$5,871
40.270683266015-74.48659064731101_14_919919 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$169,600$5,566
40.27068612617-74.4870512382831101_14_915915 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$180,100$5,910
40.270695426525-74.4867409558441101_14_917917 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$204,300$6,705
40.270746177859-74.4870406582091101_14_916916 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$196,700$6,455
40.270750852006-74.4873698134251101_14_906906 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$187,100$6,140
40.270759487365-74.487451048981101_14_905905 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$186,600$6,124
40.270765112259-74.4875233582011101_14_904904 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$175,200$5,750
40.27077273596-74.48759433531101_14_903903 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$201,400$6,609
40.270779557605-74.4876824124391101_14_902902 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$200,200$6,570
40.270789390331-74.4877742418651101_14_901901 Jamestown Rdredacted-o8$180,100$5,910
40.270810129654-74.4867680911311101_14_985Jamestown Rd Rowredacted-o8
40.271053221693-74.486863510471101_14_515515 Fairfield Rdredacted-o8$187,100$6,140

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