// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 685 Ithaca Pl owned by redacted-o9 in East Windsor Township, Mercer County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 685 Ithaca Pl, East Windsor Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1101_14_685

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 685 Ithaca Pl, East Windsor Township, New Jersey
County: Mercer
Block: 14, Lot: 685
Assessment (2022): $191,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,592
Area: 10019.2 acres
Perimeter: 26.85 miles
Population 2020: 30045
Pop Density 2020: 1919/sq-mi

21 neighbors in East Windsor Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.271413679188-74.4840161625251101_14_644644 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$185,900$6,101
40.271473040788-74.4840081437411101_14_643643 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$196,100$6,436
40.271508548904-74.4833167678121101_14.01_48224 Twin Rivers Dr Nredacted-o8$265,500$8,463
40.271758846649-74.4839620229971101_14_688688 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$202,300$6,639
40.271822208813-74.4839493468351101_14_687687 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$201,000$6,596
40.271869330285-74.4832710303461101_14.01_54230 Twin Rivers Dr Nredacted-o8$248,800$7,915
40.271878115193-74.4839434646191101_14_686686 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$173,800$5,704
40.271934054314-74.4839317054891101_14_685685 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$191,000$6,268
40.272000704084-74.4839233129391101_14_684684 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$213,700$7,013
40.272063072994-74.4839134184951101_14_683683 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$190,400$6,248
40.272112963845-74.4832335944081101_14.01_55234 Twin Rivers Dr Nredacted-o8$256,900$8,431
40.272123237058-74.4839032115031101_14_682682 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$196,000$6,182
40.272181070852-74.4838975394221101_14_681681 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$176,800$5,802
40.272238532228-74.4838864834481101_14_680680 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$194,100$6,370
40.27230100663-74.4838742819441101_14_679679 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$220,300$7,230
40.272310280247-74.4841462598461101_14_678678 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$213,700$7,013
40.272311673987-74.4846416051741101_14_673673 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$188,600$6,189
40.272316526149-74.4842181730171101_14_677677 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$182,000$5,973
40.272324252731-74.4842833299031101_14_676676 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$132,000$4,332
40.272331956949-74.4843635911171101_14_675675 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$198,200$6,504
40.272373218991-74.4846304868211101_14_674674 Ithaca Plredacted-o8$205,100$6,731

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