// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 413 Route 579 owned by redacted-o9 in Union Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 413 Route 579, Union Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1025_1_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 413 Route 579, Union Township, New Jersey
County: Hunterdon
Block: 1, Lot: 1
Assessment (2023): $636,900
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,147
Area: 13168.6 acres
Perimeter: 22.95 miles
Population 2020: 6507
Pop Density 2020: 316/sq-mi

27 neighbors on block 1 in Union Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
1025_1_1413 Route 579redacted-o8$636,900$13,572
40.630879211008-75.041435639141025_1_1_Q0116413 Route 579redacted-o8$20,900$445
40.630861521436-75.0449465463481025_1_1.01401 Route 579redacted-o8$431,300$9,191
40.630005680489-75.0440637413041025_1_1.02411 Route 579redacted-o8$506,300$10,789
40.627670557235-75.0407909711241025_1_1.03415 Route 579redacted-o8$520,600$11,093
1025_1_2Route 614redacted-o8$15,500$330
40.628514703923-75.0388253697731025_1_2_Q0008Route 614redacted-o8$19,800$421
1025_1_3419 Route 614redacted-o8$290,500$6,190
40.629000290098-75.036288269281025_1_3_Q0059419 Route 614redacted-o8$7,800$166
40.630200435869-75.0347072836221025_1_4429 Route 614redacted-o8$282,500$6,020
1025_1_4_Q0154429 Route 614redacted-o8$8,200$174
40.630369039575-75.0326770113911025_1_54 Case Laneredacted-o8$369,500$7,874
40.631188043526-75.0335935522071025_1_5.018 Case Laneredacted-o8$495,000$10,548
40.629772188654-75.0327786764251025_1_62 Case Laneredacted-o8$290,400$6,188
40.631128293519-75.0321864307231025_1_7445 Route 614redacted-o8$189,700$4,042
40.630402909908-75.033273110831025_1_7.014 Case Laneredacted-o8$290,600$5,942
40.631281589515-75.0308867136571025_1_8447 Route 614redacted-o8$374,100$7,972
40.631773276239-75.029305684721025_1_9451 Route 614redacted-o8$542,600$11,312
40.632764390528-75.0273236178731025_1_10461 Route 614redacted-o8$362,200$7,718
40.632304275651-75.0281338414981025_1_10.01Route 614redacted-o8$207,800$4,428
1025_1_11465 Route 614redacted-o8$282,800$6,026
40.633751460463-75.0262887796491025_1_11_Q0093465 Route 614redacted-o8$5,700$121
1025_1_1210 Case Laneredacted-o8$376,100$11,038
40.63366373055-75.0330671395691025_1_12_Q002310 Case Laneredacted-o8$51,100$1,088
1025_1_1379 Gravel Hill Rdredacted-o8$359,000$7,650
40.636161978329-75.0291915402581025_1_13_Q009479 Gravel Hill Rdredacted-o8$8,500$181
40.630367431137-75.0318028396091025_1_36439 Route 614redacted-o8$510,600$10,880

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