// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 76 Bridge Street owned by redacted-o9 in Lambertville, Hunterdon County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 76 Bridge Street, Lambertville, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1017_1038_5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 76 Bridge Street, Lambertville, New Jersey
County: Hunterdon
Block: 1038, Lot: 5
Assessment (2023): $504,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,140
Area: 782.856 acres
Perimeter: 5.34 miles
Population 2020: 4139
Pop Density 2020: 3384/sq-mi

27 neighbors in Lambertville whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.365701201755-74.943455890161017_1042_2963 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$827,500$19,380
40.365757332349-74.9433106689481017_1042_3067 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$713,100$16,700
40.365796292067-74.9432390684311017_1042_3169 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$377,400$8,838
40.365808207825-74.9430983093881017_1042_3373 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$652,100$15,272
40.365808435269-74.9431751440971017_1042_3271 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$373,500$8,747
40.365822311663-74.9430221495121017_1042_3475 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$573,300$13,426
40.36588011316-74.9429472502611017_1042_11 S Main Streetredacted-o8$752,200$17,616
40.366012836392-74.9438251969581017_1038_2862 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$538,200
40.366214534198-74.9433552992211017_1038_772 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$535,600$12,543
40.366223880665-74.943737806011017_1038_1060 Bridge Streetredacted-o8
40.366228629589-74.9438057691811017_1038_1158 Bridge Streetredacted-o8
40.366231800854-74.9432639324941017_1038_674 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$647,500$15,164
40.366244468946-74.9431106457771017_1038_576 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$504,400$11,813
40.366245767137-74.9436320366991017_1038_962 Bridge Streetredacted-o8
40.366273645116-74.9434935424141017_1038_870 Bridge Stredacted-o8$505,300$11,834
40.366383759536-74.9426467848621017_1075_882 Bridge Streetredacted-o8$599,900$14,049
40.366465722277-74.943260719141017_1038_47 N Main Streetredacted-o8$585,600$13,714
40.366526793977-74.9436414966871017_1038_272 Blackwells Courtredacted-o8
40.366551376628-74.9427757918521017_1075_712 N Main Streetredacted-o8$656,800$15,382
40.366596850671-74.9436638095411017_1038_264 Blackwells Courtredacted-o8
40.366619155834-74.943315284271017_1038_39 N Main Streetredacted-o8
40.36663637854-74.942726398061017_1075_614 N Main Stredacted-o8$461,900$10,817
40.366676122842-74.9437237242121017_1038_256 Blackwells Courtredacted-o8
40.366740417503-74.9433812880691017_1038_211 N Main Streetredacted-o8$2,170,200
40.366741903767-74.9427585697691017_1075_516 N Main Stredacted-o8$399,900$9,365
40.366752858556-74.9437506410761017_1038_248 Blackwells Courtredacted-o8
40.366775944681-74.9424283554921017_1076_4.0110 Mccready Alleyredacted-o8$414,900$9,716

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