// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 17 Jefferson Street owned by redacted-o9 in Lambertville, Hunterdon County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 17 Jefferson Street, Lambertville, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1017_1024_12

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 17 Jefferson Street, Lambertville, New Jersey
County: Hunterdon
Block: 1024, Lot: 12
Assessment (2023): $457,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,140
Area: 782.856 acres
Perimeter: 5.34 miles
Population 2020: 4139
Pop Density 2020: 3384/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Lambertville whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.369290248978-74.9461496779531017_1023_522 Delevan Stredacted-o8$436,800$10,229
40.369319349146-74.946322900381017_1023_718 Delevan Streetredacted-o8$493,600$11,560
40.369361874047-74.9462192537631017_1023_620 Delevan Stredacted-o8$578,100$13,539
40.369381922554-74.9457982526381017_1024_726 Delevan Streetredacted-o8$481,500$11,276
40.369413774369-74.9458990901271017_1024_8102 N Union Streetredacted-o8$457,900$10,724
40.369440574161-74.9457327051661017_1024_628 Delevan Stredacted-o8$351,900$8,241
40.369464116031-74.9456480179761017_1024_530 Delevan Stredacted-o8$411,000$9,625
40.369486051645-74.9455643530631017_1024_432 Delevan Stredacted-o8$370,300$8,672
40.369509550719-74.9454831063091017_1024_334 Delevan Stredacted-o8$337,100$7,894
40.369539036271-74.9453639017311017_1024_236 Delevan Streetredacted-o8$577,500$13,525
40.369589261095-74.9451447691691017_1025_1540 Delevan Streetredacted-o8$432,800$10,136
40.369601932892-74.9450732934861017_1025_1442 Delevan Streetredacted-o8$516,200$12,089
40.369625544229-74.9449517248271017_1025_1344 Delevan Streetredacted-o8$660,500$15,468
40.369629346658-74.9459004912991017_1024_9104 N Union Streetredacted-o8$668,800$15,663
40.369776632769-74.9457274012781017_1024_1115 Jefferson Streetredacted-o8$609,900$14,283
40.369797383757-74.9459499321391017_1024_10108 N Union Streetredacted-o8$804,700
40.369809054844-74.9456051202631017_1024_1217 Jefferson Streetredacted-o8$457,300$10,709
40.369846041192-74.9454653118361017_1024_121 Jefferson Streetredacted-o8$556,500$13,033
40.369846153068-74.9448870764121017_1025_1831 Jefferson St-Rearredacted-o8
40.369917150838-74.9451236000741017_1025_1627 Jefferson Stredacted-o8$702,000$16,440
40.37007385022-74.9460099383841017_1019_6110 N Union Streetredacted-o8$338,000$7,915
40.370167136997-74.9460453499611017_1019_7112 N Union Stredacted-o8$336,900$7,890
40.370184807912-74.9456778415121017_1019_518 Jefferson Stredacted-o8$901,400$21,110
40.370349112985-74.9459210797851017_1019_4114 N Union Stredacted-o8$1,433,700$33,577

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