// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 91 Ferry Road owned by redacted-o9 in Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 91 Ferry Road, Delaware Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1007_20_2

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 91 Ferry Road, Delaware Township, New Jersey
County: Hunterdon
Block: 20, Lot: 2
Assessment (2023): $3,700
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,329
Area: 23701.7 acres
Perimeter: 30.84 miles
Population 2020: 4560
Pop Density 2020: 123/sq-mi

33 neighbors on block 20 in Delaware Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.464963236455-74.9399417957981007_20_1113 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$248,000$6,641
1007_20_291 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$3,700$99
40.462995677193-74.9415303004621007_20_2_Q036091 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$11,300$302
40.457694420401-74.9390376522791007_20_2.0151 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$708,800$18,981
40.459710761262-74.9396051038061007_20_2.0255 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$390,500$10,457
1007_20_2.0357 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$409,100$10,955
40.460193360575-74.9407408030571007_20_2.03_Q036357 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$900$24
1007_20_2.0453 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$566,700$15,176
40.458787165213-74.9402303097011007_20_2.04_Q036253 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$4,300$115
1007_20_2.0559 Ferry Roadredacted-o8$407,200$10,904
40.46122481571-74.9407580877641007_20_2.05_Q036459 Ferry Rdredacted-o8$2,000$53
1007_20_2.06_Q036357a Ferry Roadredacted-o8$3,300$88
1007_20_310 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$275,400$7,375
40.45580278441-74.9391911259951007_20_3_Q036510 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$5,600$149
1007_20_464 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$615,900$16,493
1007_20_4_BLDG50 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$4,900$131
40.459529779462-74.9460693441781007_20_4_Q120364 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$5,300$141
1007_20_4.0240 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$639,700$16,881
40.457998287309-74.9433617589341007_20_4.02_Q036640 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$9,700$259
40.457468602482-74.941238542111007_20_4.0330 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$524,100$14,035
40.456593243729-74.9407728099211007_20_4.0420 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$487,500$13,055
40.46147501397-74.9477297058411007_20_680 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$429,100$11,491
1007_20_6_Q036780 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$2,300$61
40.463956860381-74.9451719109971007_20_6.0119 Meszaros Roadredacted-o8$411,000$11,006
40.463872645739-74.9462529983831007_20_6.0221 Meszaros Roadredacted-o8$200,700$5,374
40.462302248162-74.9462914246991007_20_6.04_Q0367Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$1,600$42
40.462411232085-74.9495500698151007_20_7_Q036786 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$1,100$29
40.464141274983-74.9511204939911007_20_890 Locktown Serg. Roadredacted-o8$420,400$11,258
1007_20_1133 Meszaros Roadredacted-o8$365,000$9,774
40.463956106585-74.9478176197671007_20_1325 Meszaros Roadredacted-o8$291,600$7,809
40.464020913698-74.9470742194761007_20_1423 Meszaros Roadredacted-o8$354,600$9,496
40.464776132974-74.9425934949671007_20_157 Meszaros Roadredacted-o8$375,500$10,055
1007_20_15.0115 Meszaros Roadredacted-o8$562,200$15,055

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