// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 10 Riverside Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Clinton, Hunterdon County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 10 Riverside Dr, Clinton, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1005_23_6.01_C0002

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 10 Riverside Dr, Clinton, New Jersey
County: Hunterdon
Block: 23, Lot: 6.01, QCode: C0002
Assessment (2023): $368,800
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 1,080
Area: 917.9 acres
Perimeter: 5.77 miles
Population 2020: 2773
Pop Density 2020: 1933/sq-mi

28 neighbors on block 23 in Clinton

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.635979676627-74.9098398862161005_23_144 Leigh St.redacted-o8$303,000$9,489
40.635752673717-74.9097817157711005_23_1.0146 Leigh Streetredacted-o8$332,100$10,401
40.635590980759-74.9096587587791005_23_248 Leigh St.redacted-o8$503,800$15,779
40.635422592864-74.9095906759511005_23_350 Leigh Stredacted-o8$447,000$14,000
40.635252803591-74.909520449871005_23_454 Leigh Stredacted-o8$549,300$17,204
40.635086619838-74.9094512966091005_23_556 Leigh Stredacted-o8$517,100$16,195
40.634740687554-74.9093672534281005_23_658 Leigh Stredacted-o8$511,800$16,029
1005_23_6.01_C000112 Riverside Drredacted-o8$371,000$11,619
1005_23_6.01_C000210 Riverside Drredacted-o8$368,800$11,550
1005_23_6.01_CONDORiverside Drredacted-o8
1005_23_6.026-8 Riverside Drredacted-o8$92,700$2,903
1005_23_6.032-4 Riverside Drredacted-o8$93,200$2,919
40.634922983957-74.9089051392681005_23_762 Leigh St.redacted-o8$369,200$11,563
40.634807479255-74.9088140105541005_23_864 Leigh Stredacted-o8$347,000$10,868
40.634686751992-74.9086996387811005_23_966 Leigh Stredacted-o8$599,200$18,766
40.634436857336-74.9084908411051005_23_1070 Leigh Stredacted-o8$456,700$14,303
40.634329492801-74.9082823651041005_23_1172 Leigh Streetredacted-o8$364,300$11,409
40.634166316359-74.908136475951005_23_11.0174 Leigh Streetredacted-o8$215,400$6,746
40.634076791891-74.9086648612721005_23_11.021-3 Riverside Driveredacted-o8$496,000$15,534
40.63397122914-74.9089625081331005_23_11.035-7 Riverside Driveredacted-o8$421,900$13,213
40.633865015395-74.9091801568031005_23_11.049-11 Riverside Drredacted-o8$466,600$14,613
40.633759428144-74.9093932363241005_23_11.0513-15 Riverside Driveredacted-o8$485,500$15,205
40.633561565227-74.9096376158681005_23_11.0617-19 Riverside Driveredacted-o8$482,200$15,102
40.633484162361-74.9101432253261005_23_11.0721-23 Riverside Drredacted-o8$503,900$15,782
40.634135157174-74.9098843552191005_23_12Leigh St (rear)redacted-o8$3,000$93
40.634668596035-74.9105462320231005_23_132 Rt 22redacted-o8$137,300$4,300
40.635746421572-74.9103067948941005_23_13.01Old Highway 22redacted-o8$450,900$14,122

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