// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 519 16th St owned by redacted-o9 in Union City, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 519 16th St, Union City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0910_77_23

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 519 16th St, Union City, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 77, Lot: 23
Assessment (2023): $160,300
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,225
Area: 823.973 acres
Perimeter: 6.74 miles
Population 2020: 68589
Pop Density 2020: 53275/sq-mi

28 neighbors in Union City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.761957837431-74.0375246299340910_72_13525 15th Stredacted-o8$110,900$8,229
40.762166374218-74.0368785424360910_77_12514 15th Stredacted-o8$180,000$13,357
40.76219793838-74.0369580769820910_77_13516 15th Stredacted-o8$169,300$13,015
40.762230923736-74.0370369759730910_77_14518 15th Stredacted-o8$189,700$14,584
40.762263214572-74.0371182108020910_77_15520 15th Stredacted-o8$192,700$14,300
40.76229581692-74.037198203270910_77_16522 15th Stredacted-o8$174,300$12,934
40.762328672094-74.0362147008910910_77_1_X1509 Bergenline Averedacted-o8$3,987,200
40.762328763056-74.0372794870690910_77_17524 15th Stredacted-o8$135,000$10,018
40.762364097801-74.0373624848310910_77_18526 15th Stredacted-o8$215,500$16,567
40.762411587016-74.0367107182610910_77_25515 16th Stredacted-o8$130,300$9,669
40.762443415193-74.0367895658220910_77_24517 16th Stredacted-o8$154,500$11,465
40.762475175489-74.0368688518020910_77_23519 16th Stredacted-o8$160,300$11,895
40.762507971841-74.0369495250460910_77_22521 16th Stredacted-o8$157,400$12,100
40.762540608902-74.037029388540910_77_21523 16th Stredacted-o8$152,800$11,339
40.762573796931-74.0371110764780910_77_20525 16th Stredacted-o8$157,500$11,688
40.76261073816-74.0371978267930910_77_19527 16th Stredacted-o8$163,100$12,103
40.76271607234-74.0362419087730910_86_30508 16th Stredacted-o8$125,000$9,276
40.762753096529-74.036330154020910_86_29510 16th Stredacted-o8$187,500$13,914
40.762756879395-74.0374024988880910_78_7601 16th Stredacted-o8$95,000$7,049
40.762786696336-74.0374711789010910_78_8603 16th Stredacted-o8$135,600$10,062
40.762787900844-74.0364146676360910_86_28512 16th Stredacted-o8$154,100$11,435
40.762817653153-74.0375487354010910_78_9605 16th Stredacted-o8$114,700$8,511
40.762822277071-74.0364935978120910_86_27.01514 16th Stredacted-o8$232,600$17,261
40.762855057157-74.0369200657820910_86_241600 West Stredacted-o8$191,800$14,233
40.76285714786-74.0365781543590910_86_26.01516 16th Stredacted-o8$170,000$13,069
40.762886926756-74.036660104650910_86_25.01518 16th Stredacted-o8$180,000$13,838
40.762920848794-74.0368739555760910_86_231602 West Stredacted-o8$180,000$13,107
40.762984899756-74.0368289044230910_86_221604 West Stredacted-o8$132,000$9,795

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