// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 3400-08 New York Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Union City, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 3400-08 New York Ave, Union City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0910_206_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 3400-08 New York Ave, Union City, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 206, Lot: 1
Assessment (2023): $1,325,800
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,225
Area: 823.973 acres
Perimeter: 6.74 miles
Population 2020: 68589
Pop Density 2020: 53275/sq-mi

27 neighbors in Union City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.772057017455-74.0271528554810910_199_21319 34th Stredacted-o8$198,000$14,693
40.772108634263-74.0279168820390910_198_13301 New York A/404 33rdredacted-o8$424,600
40.772141085041-74.027372329150910_199_233316-18 New York Averedacted-o8$507,000$37,624
40.772231482596-74.0273054774390910_199_22325 34th Stredacted-o8$360,000$26,715
40.77223490507-74.0265876080720910_206_9308 34th Stredacted-o8$217,600
40.772286185934-74.0266909947960910_206_8312 34th Stredacted-o8$189,000$14,025
40.772312204247-74.0276979524870910_198_13401 34th Stredacted-o8$167,500$12,877
40.772321812588-74.0267688089830910_206_7314 34th Stredacted-o8$174,000$12,912
40.772347909211-74.027769422290910_198_12403 34th Stredacted-o8$200,300$15,399
40.772359107526-74.0268423317520910_206_6316 34th Stredacted-o8$158,700$11,777
40.772396333139-74.0269162967940910_206_5318 34th Stredacted-o8$174,200
40.772420818277-74.0279260495450910_198_10405-07 34th Stredacted-o8$232,000$17,216
40.772514858476-74.0265072841590910_206_203410 New York Averedacted-o8$621,300$47,765
40.772548292347-74.0272251451190910_206_13400-08 New York Averedacted-o8$1,325,800
40.772610463052-74.0275882840940910_205_93401 New York Averedacted-o8$235,200
40.772773878884-74.0277187626280910_205_8408 34th Stredacted-o8$153,700$11,816
40.772825340782-74.0278015190160910_205_7410 34th Stredacted-o8$175,000$13,454
40.772872327358-74.0278962417050910_205_6412 34th Stredacted-o8$155,900$11,569
40.772879401813-74.0272486533430910_205_12401-03 35th Stredacted-o8$265,000$20,373
40.772953344182-74.0273878823370910_205_14405 35th Stredacted-o8$190,000$14,099
40.772980821431-74.0265595669350910_210_4320 35th Stredacted-o8$131,300$9,743
40.77298951429-74.0274651919760910_205_15407 35th Stredacted-o8$240,000$17,810
40.773018959126-74.0266385894410910_210_3322 35th Stredacted-o8$115,200$8,549
40.773024036451-74.0275396227420910_205_16409 35th Stredacted-o8$200,000$14,842
40.773060692387-74.0276109660850910_205_17411 35th Stredacted-o8$190,700$14,661
40.77308075831-74.0266956515210910_210_2324 35th Stredacted-o8$116,000$8,918
40.773095562275-74.0276856094310910_205_18413 35th Stredacted-o8$105,700$8,126

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