// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 288 Grace Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 288 Grace Ave, Secaucus, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0909_164_4_HM

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 288 Grace Ave, Secaucus, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 164, Lot: 4, QCode: HM
Assessment (2023): $207,800
Effective Flood Zone: NOT_INC
Preliminary Flood Zone: NOT_INC

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,500
Area: 4196.61 acres
Perimeter: 12.90 miles
Population 2020: 22181
Pop Density 2020: 3383/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Secaucus whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.799323475254-74.0626891157770909_162_7_HM285 Grace Averedacted-o8$289,300$11,482
40.799403475691-74.0619300579880909_164_9_HM278 Grace Averedacted-o8$214,000$8,493
40.799407614628-74.0628275578560909_162_6_HM287 Grace Averedacted-o8$284,700$11,299
40.79948657589-74.0620697513920909_164_8_HM280 Grace Averedacted-o8$223,700$8,878
40.799492375275-74.0629684545260909_162_5_HM289 Grace Averedacted-o8$282,700$11,220
40.799573662196-74.062214886470909_164_7_HM282 Grace Averedacted-o8$233,700$9,275
40.799579340214-74.0631105595280909_162_4_HM291 Grace Averedacted-o8$284,700$11,299
40.799659943264-74.0623593359980909_164_6_HM284 Grace Averedacted-o8$227,600$9,033
40.799662782711-74.0632482501140909_162_3_HM293 Grace Averedacted-o8$193,800$7,691
40.799744808738-74.0625006596430909_164_5_HM286 Grace Averedacted-o8$228,300$9,061
40.799800757178-74.0619724122670909_164_14_HM297 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$232,900$8,632
40.799829688-74.0626428163540909_164_4_HM288 Grace Averedacted-o8$207,800$8,247
40.799886999939-74.0621162442030909_164_15_HM299 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$216,900$8,608
40.799914903807-74.0627842138690909_164_3_HM290 Grace Averedacted-o8$239,800$9,517
40.799971899395-74.0622571303250909_164_16_HM301 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$221,200$8,779
40.799998886669-74.0629244099080909_164_2_HM292 Grace Averedacted-o8$219,800$8,723
40.800056955126-74.0623989638560909_164_17_HM303 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$226,500$8,989
40.800090073052-74.0630728487510909_164_1_HM294 Grace Averedacted-o8$238,100$9,450
40.800142391537-74.0625405895210909_164_18_HM305 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$295,900$11,744
40.800227167656-74.0626817108310909_164_19_HM307 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$250,600$9,946
40.800273953883-74.0619339598060909_186_6_HM300 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$216,700$8,600
40.800316605472-74.0628338751460909_164_20_HM309 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$227,600$9,033
40.800359351112-74.0620765996720909_186_5_HM302 Hagan Placeredacted-o8$227,100$9,013

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