// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1006 80th St owned by redacted-o9 in North Bergen Township, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1006 80th St, North Bergen Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0908_377_31

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1006 80th St, North Bergen Township, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 377, Lot: 31
Assessment (2023): $718,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,671
Area: 3381.15 acres
Perimeter: 16.35 miles
Population 2020: 63361
Pop Density 2020: 11993/sq-mi

25 neighbors in North Bergen Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.804041423414-74.0103042878890908_376_131001 80th Stredacted-o8$893,100$14,539
40.804069799368-74.0108800406180908_376_197908 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$649,500$10,573
40.804094125331-74.0104207695750908_376_141005 80th Stredacted-o8$573,300$9,333
40.804143381731-74.0105296998270908_376_151007 80th Stredacted-o8$576,200$9,380
40.80415419306-74.0108156599460908_376_187914 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$784,900$12,778
40.804173787816-74.0095514508440908_378_4908 80th Stredacted-o8$537,300$8,747
40.804207840111-74.0096302535880908_378_3910 80th Stredacted-o8$553,800$9,015
40.804238003587-74.0107509751460908_376_177918 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$499,600$8,133
40.804257841544-74.0097479644430908_378_1914 80th Stredacted-o8$948,700$15,444
40.804320584214-74.0106882090690908_376_167922 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$825,400$13,878
40.804382603738-74.009561987510908_378_58008 5th Averedacted-o8$667,300$10,863
40.804412214949-74.0100475506090908_377_341000 80th Stredacted-o8$611,000$9,947
40.804463967766-74.0095058507940908_378_6.028010 5th Averedacted-o8$577,100$9,395
40.80448842378-74.010226276350908_377_311006 80th Stredacted-o8$718,000$11,689
40.804548738856-74.0105209006890908_377_18000 Kennedy % 1012 80thredacted-o8$753,000$12,258
40.804632953579-74.0100253148630908_377_29.028009 5th Averedacted-o8$648,500$10,557
40.80467775365-74.0104343068040908_377_38010 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$787,500$12,820
40.804723296984-74.0099552932260908_377_28.028101 5th Averedacted-o8$560,900$9,131
40.804797065453-74.0103442924920908_377_58016 Kennedyredacted-o8$499,600
40.80480243376-74.0099012377970908_377_278103 5th Averedacted-o8$819,300$13,338
40.804879807285-74.0098481491070908_377_25.028107 5th Averedacted-o8$813,300$13,240
40.804899760142-74.0102662616350908_377_78100 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$813,700$13,247
40.804955720401-74.0097964391040908_377_24.028109 5th Averedacted-o8$788,800$12,841
40.804989913149-74.0102023736130908_377_8.028108 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$540,500$8,799
40.805031630976-74.0097443049270908_377_23.028111 5th Averedacted-o8$786,500$12,804

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