// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 609 79th St owned by redacted-o9 in North Bergen Township, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 609 79th St, North Bergen Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0908_319_52

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 609 79th St, North Bergen Township, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 319, Lot: 52
Assessment (2023): $645,500
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,671
Area: 3381.15 acres
Perimeter: 16.35 miles
Population 2020: 63361
Pop Density 2020: 11993/sq-mi

28 neighbors in North Bergen Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.801564433038-74.0078286844930908_319_8514 78th Stredacted-o8$508,600$8,030
40.80159359508-74.0074502642680908_319_60.027808 1st Averedacted-o8$742,700$12,091
40.801612053609-74.0079346728250908_319_9516 78th Stredacted-o8$524,000$8,530
40.801647058907-74.0074081651570908_319_60.017810 1st Averedacted-o8$711,500$11,583
40.801660247854-74.0080404338570908_319_10518 78th Stredacted-o8$510,900$8,317
40.801708013648-74.0081466932730908_319_11520 78th Stredacted-o8$609,400$9,921
40.801756014878-74.0082528946330908_319_12522 78th Stredacted-o8$553,000$9,002
40.801800475034-74.0073330866580908_319_62511 79th Stredacted-o8$660,900$10,759
40.801803974788-74.0083591019020908_319_13524 78th Stredacted-o8$735,400$11,972
40.801851985288-74.0084655062030908_319_14526 78th Stredacted-o8$662,500$10,785
40.801854152488-74.0079703432210908_319_587809 1st Averedacted-o8$644,400$10,490
40.801859432578-74.0074578968850908_319_61515 79th Stredacted-o8$727,300$11,840
40.801900342751-74.0085720975570908_319_15528 78th Stredacted-o8$545,300$8,877
40.801948490661-74.0086786546810908_319_16530 78th Stredacted-o8$511,800$8,082
40.801967216164-74.0077359219630908_319_55601 79th Stredacted-o8$831,900$13,293
40.801994673117-74.0082818611970908_319_567808 2nd Averedacted-o8$793,500$12,918
40.802013012414-74.0078208882990908_319_54603 79th Stredacted-o8$712,300$11,596
40.802062021562-74.0079284149910908_319_53607 79th Stredacted-o8$698,900$11,378
40.80211091973-74.008036152040908_319_52609 79th Stredacted-o8$645,500$10,508
40.802159960904-74.0081441445050908_319_51611 79th Stredacted-o8$804,500$13,097
40.802213863254-74.0082537211460908_319_50617 79th Stredacted-o8$744,000$12,112
40.802331186968-74.0085292451580908_319_45701 79th Stredacted-o8$813,400$13,242
40.802387521093-74.0086501098010908_319_44705 79th Stredacted-o8$759,800$12,369
40.80240747438-74.0074013884850908_375_33600 79th Stredacted-o8$629,800$10,253
40.802463874026-74.0075256080840908_375_32604 79th Stredacted-o8$743,000$12,096
40.80252024735-74.0076499398020908_375_31608 79th Stredacted-o8$800,400$13,030
40.802577108441-74.007776167430908_375_30610 79th Stredacted-o8$763,200$12,424
40.802633177719-74.0079020435250908_375_29614 79th Stredacted-o8$719,500$11,713

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