// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1010 74th St owned by redacted-o9 in North Bergen Township, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1010 74th St, North Bergen Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0908_266_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1010 74th St, North Bergen Township, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 266, Lot: 26
Assessment (2023): $720,100
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,671
Area: 3381.15 acres
Perimeter: 16.35 miles
Population 2020: 63361
Pop Density 2020: 11993/sq-mi

25 neighbors in North Bergen Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.800361875171-74.0129651732520908_264_21.021003 74th Stredacted-o8$726,600$11,829
40.800374079593-74.0135979632420908_264_17.027328 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$2,119,700$34,508
40.800399079086-74.012460305850908_268_275.02912 74th Stredacted-o8$692,000$11,265
40.800404310587-74.0130598029590908_264_22.021005 74th Stredacted-o8$793,700$12,921
40.800447092535-74.0131550310340908_264_241009 74th Stredacted-o8$714,700$11,635
40.800470792088-74.0135529479350908_264_17.037332 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$369,600$6,017
40.80048754917-74.0132488748860908_264_25.021011 74th Stredacted-o8$718,800$11,702
40.800520176982-74.0135259298840908_264_30.017334 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$41,300
40.800556182457-74.0122350571820908_268_273.027410 5th Averedacted-o8$526,500$8,571
40.80056030817-74.0134972028270908_264_26.047336 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$612,900$9,978
40.800662632815-74.0134248458230908_264_26.027340 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$740,000$12,047
40.800710334501-74.0125647100620908_266_301000 74th Stredacted-o8$643,300$10,472
40.800750869214-74.0126571266240908_266_291002 74th Stredacted-o8$764,600$12,447
40.800792112024-74.0127492586970908_266_281006 74th Stredacted-o8$658,700$10,723
40.800833430961-74.0128413447320908_266_271008 74th Stredacted-o8$715,100$11,641
40.800874499586-74.0129336032160908_266_261010 74th Stredacted-o8$720,100$11,723
40.800915086124-74.0130258147810908_266_251012 74th Stredacted-o8$607,600$9,891
40.800940163437-74.0125542606580908_266_137411 5th Averedacted-o8$674,200$10,975
40.800973388463-74.0132608463960908_266_227400 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$1,000,000$16,280
40.80101416346-74.0124939068670908_266_127415 5th Averedacted-o8$702,100$11,430
40.801087726868-74.0124354761780908_266_117417 5th Averedacted-o8$846,700$13,784
40.801111848352-74.0131622152660908_266_217414 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$619,000$10,077
40.801159275145-74.0123776274780908_266_107419 5th Averedacted-o8$727,600$11,845
40.801202174258-74.0129053478160908_266_17430 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8
40.801210171951-74.0130919297080908_266_47416 Kennedy Blvdredacted-o8$1,555,900$25,330

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