// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1317 67th St owned by redacted-o9 in North Bergen Township, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1317 67th St, North Bergen Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0908_221_8

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1317 67th St, North Bergen Township, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 221, Lot: 8
Assessment (2023): $715,100
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,671
Area: 3381.15 acres
Perimeter: 16.35 miles
Population 2020: 63361
Pop Density 2020: 11993/sq-mi

27 neighbors in North Bergen Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.796462779461-74.0191168191920908_221_796603 Durham Averedacted-o8$705,600$11,487
40.79652365669-74.0190750551590908_221_786605 Durham Averedacted-o8$470,000$7,651
40.796608892805-74.019022849890908_221_766607 Durham Averedacted-o8$730,900$11,899
40.796725303496-74.0187825358720908_221_11301 67th Stredacted-o8$488,700$7,956
40.796774075852-74.019313874940908_221_96606 Newkirk Averedacted-o8$271,400$4,418
40.796781320807-74.0188982126690908_221_21303 67th Stredacted-o8$643,200$10,471
40.796834749229-74.0190131490650908_221_41307 67th Stredacted-o8$737,800$12,011
40.796888039134-74.019128308310908_221_51309 67th Stredacted-o8$548,300$8,926
40.796941435763-74.019243435850908_221_71315 67th Stredacted-o8$297,200$4,838
40.796973005214-74.0193198295890908_221_81317 67th Stredacted-o8$715,100$11,641
40.797084922621-74.0195462868020908_221_111401 67th Stredacted-o8$469,100$7,636
40.797119272139-74.0196269586350908_221_121403 67th Stredacted-o8$643,800$10,481
40.797135085055-74.0186316931880908_227_31304 67th Stredacted-o8$622,700$10,137
40.797154578815-74.0197037693840908_221_131405 67th Stredacted-o8$365,500$5,950
40.797171204252-74.0187079846660908_227_41306 67th Stredacted-o8$278,600$4,535
40.797207587508-74.0187843299210908_227_51308 67th Stredacted-o8$525,300$8,551
40.797207782845-74.0198190110090908_221_141407 67th Stredacted-o8$575,300$9,365
40.797243876094-74.0188606474780908_227_61310 67th Stredacted-o8$415,100$6,757
40.797266110811-74.0190544335870908_227_8.011314 67th Stredacted-o8$336,600$5,479
40.797278736249-74.019972716290908_221_161411 67th Stredacted-o8$599,600$9,761
40.797280077171-74.0189369539080908_227_71312 67th Stredacted-o8$467,600$7,612
40.797395040837-74.0188457022860908_227_8.026708 Newkirk Averedacted-o8$561,200$9,136
40.797409307171-74.0192136089680908_228_11400 67th Stredacted-o8$644,200$10,487
40.797445465783-74.0192909048780908_228_21402 67th Stredacted-o8$460,300$7,493
40.797459939887-74.0187358255250908_227_9.026710 Newkirk Averedacted-o8$639,500$10,411
40.797481358857-74.0193684562550908_228_31404 67th Stredacted-o8$401,500$6,536
40.797517160199-74.0194461814230908_228_41406 67th Stredacted-o8$485,100$7,897

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