// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 8 Kearny Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 8 Kearny Ave, Kearny, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0907_4_2

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 8 Kearny Ave, Kearny, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 4, Lot: 2
Assessment (2023): $199,800
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,120
Area: 6520.11 acres
Perimeter: 18.48 miles
Population 2020: 41999
Pop Density 2020: 4123/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Kearny whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.752185242865-74.1564473491640907_4_6134 Johnston Averedacted-o8$51,700$5,463
40.752207991969-74.1565323829290907_4_5132 Johnston Averedacted-o8$86,900$9,182
40.752237568447-74.156642926060907_4_4130 Johnston Averedacted-o8$70,000$7,396
40.75227213228-74.1567721146250907_4_3.02124 Johnston Averedacted-o8$150,200$15,871
40.752293636701-74.1571444475110907_4_14 Kearny Averedacted-o8$162,000$17,118
40.752318924381-74.1568979799640907_4_3.01122 Johnston Averedacted-o8$162,500$17,171
40.75242742386-74.1570974064360907_4_28 Kearny Averedacted-o8$199,800$21,112
40.752437556739-74.1577737427270907_3_281 Kearny Averedacted-o8$130,000$13,737
40.752503450483-74.1577285106110907_3_273 Kearny Averedacted-o8$227,900$24,082
40.752566079278-74.1576916203540907_3_265 Kearny Averedacted-o8$96,500$10,197
40.752620501196-74.1576464920790907_3_257 Kearny Averedacted-o8$161,300$17,044
40.752630467188-74.1564076869650907_12_34131 Johnston Averedacted-o8$77,300$8,168
40.752651617453-74.1564968641540907_12_35129 Johnston Averedacted-o8$65,900$6,963
40.752665977836-74.156927379810907_12_110 Kearny Averedacted-o8$137,000$14,476
40.75267706052-74.156581083750907_12_36127 Johnston Averedacted-o8$118,700$12,543
40.752693455182-74.1566630925130907_12_37125 Johnston Averedacted-o8$77,500$8,189
40.75273214765-74.1568814918640907_12_212 Kearny Averedacted-o8$128,400$13,568
40.752803819681-74.1568394880120907_12_314 Kearny Averedacted-o8$99,200$10,482
40.752808535729-74.1564444954040907_12_339 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$83,400$8,812
40.752866799698-74.1568025785290907_12_416 Kearny Averedacted-o8$79,700$8,421
40.752871518057-74.1564075894340907_12_3211 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$125,200$13,229
40.752929780907-74.1567656715340907_12_518 Kearny Averedacted-o8$126,900$13,409
40.752948463449-74.157469033060907_11_329-15 Kearny Averedacted-o8$200,300$21,165

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