// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 543 Forest St owned by redacted-o9 in Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 543 Forest St, Kearny, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0907_178_17

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 543 Forest St, Kearny, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 178, Lot: 17
Assessment (2023): $82,600
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,120
Area: 6520.11 acres
Perimeter: 18.48 miles
Population 2020: 41999
Pop Density 2020: 4123/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Kearny whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.770924828841-74.138056383520907_179_7532 Forest Stredacted-o8$114,200$12,067
40.770994848764-74.1386992736940907_178_5.03527 Forest Stredacted-o8$157,200$16,611
40.77100819383-74.1379769556940907_179_8536 Forest Stredacted-o8$82,400$8,707
40.771023926795-74.1378093448980907_179_9.01538 Forest Stredacted-o8$5,000$528
40.771099123391-74.138606833380907_178_22529 Forest Stredacted-o8$125,300$13,240
40.771102912215-74.137736251410907_179_9.02542 Forest Stredacted-o8$5,000$528
40.771193098918-74.1385134166010907_178_21533 Forest Stredacted-o8$122,200$12,912
40.771264469659-74.1388920571850907_178_5.02534 Elm Stredacted-o8$147,700$15,607
40.771273249277-74.1376127464950907_179_11.01258 Laurel Averedacted-o8$5,000$528
40.77129561166-74.1384155663180907_178_20535 Forest Stredacted-o8$175,000$18,492
40.771354590835-74.1377586577570907_179_10.01254 Laurel Averedacted-o8$5,000$528
40.771355875527-74.1388048063920907_178_6536 Elm Stredacted-o8$70,200$7,418
40.771379190906-74.1383357895920907_178_19539 Forest Stredacted-o8$83,300$8,802
40.771429055793-74.1387349535880907_178_7540 Elm Streetredacted-o8$84,500$8,929
40.771434906423-74.1382826101660907_178_18541 Forest Stredacted-o8$69,500$7,344
40.771470357223-74.1381918296750907_178_17543 Forest Stredacted-o8$82,600$8,728
40.77148477274-74.138681774330907_178_8542 Elm Stredacted-o8$91,800$9,700
40.771526952703-74.1381375268980907_178_16545 Forest Stredacted-o8$86,200$9,108
40.771541958349-74.1386271849680907_178_9544 Elm Stredacted-o8$92,500$9,774
40.771583545608-74.1380832201130907_178_15547 Forest Stredacted-o8$98,000$10,355
40.771597672482-74.1385740038330907_178_10546 Elm Stredacted-o8$86,900$9,182
40.771637145354-74.1380315888220907_178_14549 Forest Stredacted-o8$85,500$9,034
40.771715131246-74.1384053224750907_178_12242 Laurel Averedacted-o8$60,000
40.771777057156-74.1385157947120907_178_11238-240 Laurel Averedacted-o8$77,400$8,178
40.771957209685-74.1388371189480907_177_15234-236 Laurel Averedacted-o8$101,500$10,725

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