// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 587 Forest St owned by redacted-o9 in Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 587 Forest St, Kearny, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0907_169_22

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 587 Forest St, Kearny, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 169, Lot: 22
Assessment (2023): $94,900
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,120
Area: 6520.11 acres
Perimeter: 18.48 miles
Population 2020: 41999
Pop Density 2020: 4123/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Kearny whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.772445433474-74.1366066885110907_171_8580-582 Forest Stredacted-o8$108,100$11,422
40.77252630491-74.1374689251490907_169_2574-584 Elm Streetredacted-o8$285,000$30,115
40.77252938383-74.1365256977440907_171_9584 Forest Stredacted-o8$104,900$11,084
40.77262164724-74.137150613270907_169_25.01577 Forest Stredacted-o8$67,700$7,153
40.772686321487-74.1370911894770907_169_25.02579 Forest Stredacted-o8$72,000$7,608
40.772716570111-74.1363193628270907_170_1590 Forest Stredacted-o8$83,500$8,823
40.772755683833-74.1370250051160907_169_24581 Forest Stredacted-o8$90,500$9,563
40.772785071263-74.1374411953290907_169_3586-594 Elm Stredacted-o8$104,600
40.772809858362-74.1362704961930907_170_2592-594 Forest Stredacted-o8$121,100$13,747
40.77283892476-74.1369455867490907_169_23585 Forest Stredacted-o8$83,900$8,865
40.772879595584-74.1361931725130907_170_3596 Forest Stredacted-o8$82,500$8,717
40.772916344588-74.1361536774360907_170_4598 Forest Stredacted-o8$71,200$7,523
40.772922163528-74.1368661680590907_169_22587 Forest Stredacted-o8$94,900$10,028
40.773005401749-74.1367867532010907_169_21591 Forest Stredacted-o8$110,100$11,634
40.773074768761-74.1367205675770907_169_20593 Forest Stredacted-o8$83,200$8,541
40.773082323787-74.1371600634980907_169_6596 Elm Stredacted-o8$107,900$11,401
40.773128620666-74.1366691908940907_169_19595 Forest Stredacted-o8$68,400$7,227
40.773162786015-74.1370832891310907_169_7600 Elm Stredacted-o8$58,800
40.773182481814-74.136620867690907_169_18597 Forest Stredacted-o8$70,800$7,481
40.77323159779-74.1370176411560907_169_8602 Elm Stredacted-o8$57,100$6,033
40.773260231796-74.1363844847680907_169_17276 Stewart Averedacted-o8$67,800$6,914
40.773289309014-74.1369625755030907_169_9.01604-606 Elm Stredacted-o8$194,200$20,521
40.773306417084-74.1364578177260907_169_16274 Stewart Avenueredacted-o8$95,800$10,123
40.773347493249-74.1365297942220907_169_15272 Stewart Averedacted-o8$71,500$7,555
40.773388926942-74.1366013168070907_169_14270 Stewart Averedacted-o8$99,700$8,559
40.77340699978-74.1368577435390907_169_10608 Elm Stredacted-o8$73,600$7,777

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