// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 851 Schuyler Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 851 Schuyler Ave, Kearny, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0907_133_12

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 851 Schuyler Ave, Kearny, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 133, Lot: 12
Assessment (2023): $138,900
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,120
Area: 6520.11 acres
Perimeter: 18.48 miles
Population 2020: 41999
Pop Density 2020: 4123/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Kearny whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.775677438849-74.1320059582310907_133_15.02837 Schuyler Averedacted-o8$129,800$13,465
40.775767692167-74.1319331017840907_133_15.01841 Schuyler Averedacted-o8$72,400$7,650
40.775866395972-74.1318515959560907_133_14845 Schuyler Averedacted-o8$110,400$11,665
40.775908804258-74.1321614457650907_133_16215 Seeley Averedacted-o8$138,300$14,614
40.775977132021-74.1322845311910907_133_17211 Seeley Averedacted-o8$108,500$11,465
40.775987620129-74.1318006574370907_133_13847 Schuyler Averedacted-o8$155,800$16,463
40.776028368514-74.1323768230580907_133_18209 Seeley Averedacted-o8$100,100$9,932
40.776075372174-74.1317281970810907_133_12851 Schuyler Averedacted-o8$138,900$14,677
40.776175365827-74.1316468227720907_133_11855 Schuyler Averedacted-o8$170,000$17,963
40.776224752952-74.1319652060340907_133_1018 Schuyler Ctredacted-o8$95,900$10,133
40.776306072421-74.1321116905260907_133_914 Schuyler Ctredacted-o8$135,500$14,318
40.776382594971-74.1322175964410907_133_812 Schuyler Ctredacted-o8$86,500$9,140
40.776408593166-74.1313213610880907_132_2327 Schuyler Ctredacted-o8$91,400$9,658
40.77647824051-74.1314265216240907_132_2423 Schuyler Ctredacted-o8$92,200$9,742
40.776498339877-74.1322534711880907_133_710 Schuyler Ctredacted-o8$60,500$5,209
40.776543065311-74.1315424310080907_132_2519 Schuyler Ctredacted-o8$89,000$9,404
40.776577470087-74.1324507422750907_133_5720 Forest Stredacted-o8$85,900$9,077
40.776603611374-74.1316537645110907_132_2617 Schuyler Ctredacted-o8$86,600$9,151
40.776623208418-74.1323754478370907_133_6722 Forest Stredacted-o8$100,600$10,630

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