// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 70 Van Reipen Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 70 Van Reipen Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0906_7903_57

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 70 Van Reipen Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 7903, Lot: 57
Assessment (2023): $455,300
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 54,832
Area: 10151.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.40 miles
Population 2020: 292449
Pop Density 2020: 18437/sq-mi

29 neighbors in Jersey City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.733460697703-74.0617959703640906_7905_1153 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$695,900$15,636
40.733467923688-74.0618556626120906_7905_1055 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$788,900$17,726
40.733475148332-74.061915354860906_7905_957 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$662,100$14,877
40.733482374396-74.0619750467440906_7905_859 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$662,100$14,877
40.73348959926-74.0620347392230906_7905_761 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$607,700$13,655
40.733496824684-74.0620944313220906_7905_663 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$757,000$16,290
40.733504050078-74.0621541234350906_7905_565 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$676,300$15,196
40.733511275583-74.0622138157610906_7905_467 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$593,700$13,340
40.733514746333-74.0625161456570906_7905_12940 Kennedy Blvd.redacted-o8$6,044,600
40.733518394338-74.0622726350980906_7905_367a Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$560,000$29,051
40.733525455854-74.0623309729140906_7905_269 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$591,500$13,291
40.733911209841-74.0617719166210906_7903_5054 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$763,200
40.733925284218-74.0618877344160906_7903_5158 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$806,600$18,124
40.733940331256-74.062011555760906_7903_5260 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$1,309,200$29,417
40.733953900599-74.0621232161390906_7903_5362 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$528,300$11,870
40.733966024911-74.0622229862940906_7903_5464 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$600,000$13,482
40.733976380532-74.0623082054830906_7903_5566 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$610,500$13,717
40.733987206305-74.0623972900470906_7903_5668 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$541,600$12,169
40.733998031862-74.0624863749660906_7903_5770 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$455,300$10,230
40.734002958209-74.062704700270906_7903_5974 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$1,118,000$25,121
40.734008856825-74.0625754596010906_7903_5872 Van Reipen Ave.redacted-o8$759,200$17,059
40.734227554356-74.0617724600410906_7903_1153 Cottage St.redacted-o8$420,800$9,455
40.734236293783-74.061843711430906_7903_1055 Cottage St.redacted-o8$549,900$12,356
40.73424721878-74.0619327754720906_7903_957 Cottage St.redacted-o8$602,600$13,540
40.734258143553-74.0620218398950906_7903_859 Cottage St.redacted-o8$655,200$14,722
40.734267833634-74.0621008401080906_7903_761 Cottage St.redacted-o8$458,500$10,052
40.73427766613-74.0621809981250906_7903_663 Cottage St.redacted-o8$490,300$11,017
40.734289824625-74.0622801270160906_7903_565 Cottage St.redacted-o8$588,800$13,230
40.734307304301-74.0624226299750906_7903_469 Cottage St.redacted-o8$3,192,000$71,724

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