// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 49 Pamrapo Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 49 Pamrapo Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0906_29902_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 49 Pamrapo Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 29902, Lot: 26
Assessment (2023): $195,700
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 54,832
Area: 10151.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.40 miles
Population 2020: 292449
Pop Density 2020: 18437/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Jersey City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.691192906479-74.0989688347920906_29902_3333 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$360,600$8,102
40.69125024586-74.0990183694310906_29902_3235 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$348,200$7,824
40.691336255554-74.0990926697120906_29902_3137 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$427,300$9,601
40.691422264591-74.0991669710020906_29902_3041 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$304,800$6,598
40.691479604429-74.0992165041180906_29902_2943 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$451,500$10,145
40.691536943876-74.0992660381870906_29902_2845 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$334,300$7,511
40.691594283314-74.09931557290906_29902_2747 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$539,200$12,115
40.691651622996-74.0993651067830906_29902_2649 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$195,700$4,397
40.691708962379-74.0994146411070906_29902_2551 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$275,000$6,179
40.691761253801-74.0986698583230906_29801_6042 Pamrapo Avenueredacted-o8$581,200$13,059
40.691794971392-74.0994889427880906_29902_2453 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$393,100$8,832
40.691832888617-74.0987318484040906_29801_61.0144 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$172,500$3,876
40.69188087338-74.0995631509330906_29902_2357 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$223,500$5,022
40.691918853204-74.0988062386230906_29801_6348 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$256,300$5,759
40.691937997516-74.0996125009350906_29902_2259 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$302,400$6,794
40.691990492151-74.0988682330280906_29801_6450 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$504,500$11,336
40.69199512235-74.09966185010906_29902_2161 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$199,200$4,476
40.692047803018-74.0989178264840906_29801_65.0152 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$517,900$11,637
40.692052247439-74.0997111983990906_29902_2063 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$200,200$4,498
40.692105111957-74.0989674222920906_29801_65.0254 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$322,300$7,242
40.692109371512-74.0997605486540906_29902_1965 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$303,400$6,817
40.692162421268-74.0990170147770906_29801_6656 Pamrapo Avredacted-o8$710,000$15,953
40.692166496221-74.0998098977660906_29902_1867 Pamrapo Ave.redacted-o8$280,000$6,291

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