// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 315 Garfield Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 315 Garfield Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0906_28801_8

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 315 Garfield Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 28801, Lot: 8
Assessment (2023): $303,300
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 54,832
Area: 10151.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.40 miles
Population 2020: 292449
Pop Density 2020: 18437/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Jersey City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.693699837587-74.0884937017580906_28902_5308 Garfield Ave.redacted-o8$355,100$7,979
40.693736195696-74.0884274783030906_28902_6310 Garfield Ave.redacted-o8$231,000$5,190
40.693739523111-74.0882017453710906_28902_915 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$284,700$6,397
40.693808962671-74.0882599049250906_28902_817 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$285,600$6,417
40.693899016794-74.0883291316970906_28902_7312 Garfield Averedacted-o8$303,600$6,821
40.693907566638-74.0888707044340906_28801_1146 Danforth Ave.redacted-o8$346,500$7,785
40.693996488447-74.0889353493280906_28801_1248 Danforth Ave.redacted-o8$228,600$5,136
40.694021517268-74.0878137704550906_28903_1022 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$286,900$6,446
40.694054353496-74.0889838859590906_28801_1350 Danforth Ave.redacted-o8$355,000$7,976
40.694086912044-74.0878757071720906_28903_1124 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$245,300$5,511
40.694109703326-74.0887185233810906_28801_10305 Garfield Ave.redacted-o8$252,200$5,666
40.694146499819-74.0890345553810906_28801_1454 Danforth Ave.redacted-o8$342,100$7,686
40.694153266136-74.0879503465250906_28903_1226 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$307,600$6,911
40.694169584483-74.0886087696320906_28801_9311 Garfield Ave.redacted-o8$291,300$6,545
40.694231531218-74.0890875753690906_28801_1556 Danforth Ave.redacted-o8$250,200$5,621
40.694236702458-74.0884864826880906_28801_8315 Garfield Ave.redacted-o8$303,300$6,815
40.694281987031-74.0891512925410906_28801_1658 Danforth Ave.redacted-o8$260,700$5,857
40.694343191705-74.0886896930860906_28801_749 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$351,100$7,889
40.694346690626-74.0892058416770906_28801_1762 Danforth Ave.redacted-o8$316,700$7,116
40.694401064184-74.0887381468690906_28801_651 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$101,700$2,285
40.694451752411-74.088801689330906_28801_553 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$341,400$7,671
40.694652043336-74.0889637632720906_28801_455-59 Cator Ave.redacted-o8$908,800$20,420

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