// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 160 Hancock Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 160 Hancock Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0906_2205_14

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 160 Hancock Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 2205, Lot: 14
Assessment (2023): $2,731,200
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 54,832
Area: 10151.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.40 miles
Population 2020: 292449
Pop Density 2020: 18437/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Jersey City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.747300229096-74.0449281975130906_2301_9196 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$625,800$14,061
40.747306599368-74.0455245151740906_2205_33189 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$338,300$7,601
40.747347787252-74.0454983036240906_2205_32191 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$347,500$7,808
40.747354350709-74.0458957076480906_2205_9144 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8
40.747361710681-74.0448890405030906_2301_10198 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8
40.747388969382-74.0454720659140906_2205_31193 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$360,100$8,091
40.747416092836-74.0458563128490906_2205_10146 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8$546,700$12,284
40.747423192094-74.0448498838260906_2301_11200 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8
40.747477837699-74.045816935360906_2205_11148 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8$640,800$14,398
40.747484952464-74.0448105495510906_2301_12202 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$496,000$11,145
40.74754864264-74.0458021649260906_2205_12150 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8$450,500$10,122
40.747577175103-74.0455328371110906_2205_13156 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8$2,553,500
40.747846990276-74.0455098587660906_2205_14160 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8$2,731,200
40.747888497897-74.0451605014220906_2205_30201 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$6,407,200
40.748099181508-74.0450197470050906_2205_29215 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$475,400$10,682
40.748145231024-74.0454269547380906_2205_15166 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8$1,978,300
40.748160941925-74.0449804127020906_2205_28217 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$480,500$10,796
40.748222702427-74.0449410780070906_2205_27219 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$729,500$16,391
40.748259185153-74.0448680077390906_2205_26_C0001221 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$538,500$12,100
40.748280460898-74.0453048767270906_2205_16174 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8$572,400$12,861
40.748283111532-74.0448527699390906_2205_26_C0002221 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8$431,000$9,684
40.748300589066-74.0449518283380906_2205_26221 Sherman Ave.redacted-o8
40.748342200989-74.0452654868780906_2205_17176 Hancock Ave.redacted-o8$455,700$10,239
40.748353018939-74.0448156100140906_2205_2467 South St.redacted-o8$382,300$8,590
40.748383856961-74.0448991109160906_2205_2369 South St.redacted-o8$347,500$7,808

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