// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 104 Belmont Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 104 Belmont Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0906_16702_39

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 104 Belmont Ave., Jersey City, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 16702, Lot: 39
Assessment (2023): $1,600,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 54,832
Area: 10151.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.40 miles
Population 2020: 292449
Pop Density 2020: 18437/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Jersey City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.720102473215-74.0717494931620906_16701_1299a Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$316,000$6,850
40.720123494153-74.0717982141750906_16701_11101 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$335,000$7,527
40.720146212671-74.0718460772360906_16701_10101a Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$410,000$9,212
40.720171102916-74.0718987809150906_16701_9103 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$441,200$9,913
40.720221876376-74.0720033075850906_16701_8105 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$343,100
40.720263255713-74.0710223051430906_16702_33159 Monticello Ave.redacted-o8$535,000$12,021
40.72029460304-74.0721606633720906_16701_7109-111 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$320,300
40.720315284826-74.0710102635050906_16702_32161 Monticello Ave.redacted-o8$390,000$8,763
40.72035197925-74.072282307140906_16701_6113 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$544,400$12,232
40.720365315923-74.0709805565390906_16702_31163 Monticello Ave.redacted-o8$393,500$8,841
40.720414095987-74.0709515917510906_16702_30165 Monticello Ave.redacted-o8$384,500$8,639
40.720447164149-74.0711791747290906_16702_3494 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8
40.720481952279-74.0712570010360906_16702_3596 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$412,000$9,257
40.720516739972-74.0713348274410906_16702_3698 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$418,200$9,396
40.720529910675-74.0709657143820906_16702_28167 Monticello Ave.redacted-o8
40.720551527856-74.0714126538310906_16702_37100 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$480,000$10,785
40.720586402204-74.0714906745710906_16702_38102 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$537,500$12,077
40.720625490269-74.0709528919010906_16702_27171 Monticello Ave.redacted-o8$513,900
40.720638048443-74.0716146729640906_16702_39104 Belmont Ave.redacted-o8$1,600,000$35,952
40.720866874239-74.0721217994140906_16702_1604 Bergen Ave.redacted-o8$10,578,400
40.720878914435-74.0714421503260906_16702_40Bergen Ave. (inside)redacted-o8$823,900
40.721118283067-74.0719869743880906_16702_2612 Bergen Ave.redacted-o8$6,576,600
40.72114429999-74.071094453680906_16702_4181 Jewett Ave.redacted-o8$3,598,700

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