// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 322 Wayne St. owned by redacted-o9 in Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 322 Wayne St., Jersey City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0906_12501_24

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 322 Wayne St., Jersey City, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 12501, Lot: 24
Assessment (2023): $0.00
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 54,832
Area: 10151.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.40 miles
Population 2020: 292449
Pop Density 2020: 18437/sq-mi

24 neighbors on block 12501 in Jersey City

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.723953666433-74.0588897552730906_12501_1362 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$718,000$16,133
40.723950198229-74.0587715607590906_12501_2360 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$643,800$14,466
40.723923728179-74.0586923292940906_12501_3358 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$601,000$13,504
40.723890805317-74.0585946363850906_12501_4356 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$803,000$18,043
40.723851695136-74.0584783138770906_12501_5354 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$702,200$15,778
40.723819724104-74.0583800666760906_12501_6352 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$671,800$15,095
40.723793072698-74.0583006508670906_12501_7350 Wayne St.redacted-o8$641,600$14,416
40.723758570008-74.0581964124840906_12501_8348 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$707,400$15,895
40.723717214703-74.0580779821190906_12501_9346 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$431,000$9,684
40.723680680126-74.0579676234680906_12501_10344 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$418,900$9,412
40.723644266379-74.0578568840730906_12501_11342 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$444,400$9,985
40.723628119235-74.0577379208660906_12501_12340 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$463,900$10,423
40.723604697571-74.0576180805440906_12501_13338 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$462,600$10,394
40.723555642765-74.0575116953340906_12501_14336 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$437,800$9,837
40.723501907137-74.0574152018950906_12501_15334 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$445,900$10,019
40.723466135898-74.0573081515090906_12501_16332 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$448,100$10,068
40.723432439978-74.0571956837180906_12501_17330 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$463,000$10,403
40.723398743565-74.0570832158590906_12501_18328 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$449,600$10,102
40.723365046253-74.05697074850906_12501_19326 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$471,500$10,594
40.723331349621-74.0568582802640906_12501_20324 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$443,800$9,972
40.723297652363-74.0567458126740906_12501_21322 Wayne St.redacted-o8$460,700$10,351
40.723263954952-74.0566333455670906_12501_22320 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$477,900$10,738
40.723227831019-74.0565108366240906_12501_23318 Wayne Streetredacted-o8$500,100$11,237
0906_12501_24322 Wayne St.redacted-o8

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