// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 224 Jersey St owned by redacted-o9 in Harrison, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 224 Jersey St, Harrison, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0904_93_36

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 224 Jersey St, Harrison, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 93, Lot: 36
Assessment (2023): $442,500
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,612
Area: 848.341 acres
Perimeter: 5.07 miles
Population 2020: 19450
Pop Density 2020: 14673/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Harrison whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.745047909282-74.158959450190904_94_35.01227 Jersey St.redacted-o8$28,600
40.745049528881-74.1588763822130904_94_34.01229 Jersey Stredacted-o8$660,100$15,175
40.74505010066-74.1587864894020904_94_33231 Jersey Stredacted-o8$655,800$15,076
40.745055295422-74.1586495225660904_94_31233 Jersey Stredacted-o8$399,400
40.74546707496-74.1594031292250904_93_38218-220 Jersey Stredacted-o8$525,100$12,072
40.745471006923-74.1592656535070904_93_37222 Jersey Stredacted-o8$519,900$11,952
40.745474594549-74.1591749385880904_93_36224 Jersey Stredacted-o8$442,500$10,173
40.745478184904-74.159084147740904_93_35226 Jersey Stredacted-o8$440,400$10,124
40.745485274966-74.1589048775460904_93_33230 Jersey Stredacted-o8$705,300$16,214
40.74548887157-74.1588139238570904_93_32232 Jersey Stredacted-o8$499,000$11,472
40.745492468092-74.1587229773480904_93_31234 Jersey Stredacted-o8$417,300$9,593
40.745494058878-74.1595429513470904_93_40.01216a Jersey Stredacted-o8$24,900$572
40.745496083333-74.1586315497250904_93_30236 Jersey Stredacted-o8$110,700$2,544
40.745552713917-74.1590000206250904_93_34228 Jersey Stredacted-o8$415,400$9,550
40.745720458139-74.1598003868770904_93_5.01209 Harrison Averedacted-o8$415,900$9,561
40.745768864958-74.1596055457960904_93_7213-215 Harrison Averedacted-o8$1,350,000$31,036
40.745780056901-74.1594693451640904_93_9217 Harrison Averedacted-o8$511,000$11,747
40.745790705794-74.159377262210904_93_10219 Harrison Averedacted-o8$507,000$11,655
40.745802998459-74.1592409919660904_93_11221-223 Harrison Averedacted-o8$1,192,200
40.745815840582-74.15910611410904_93_13225 Harrison Averedacted-o8$899,900$20,688
40.745832847199-74.1589274883670904_93_15229 Harrison Averedacted-o8$561,600$12,911
40.745841473282-74.1588368893180904_93_16231 Harrison Averedacted-o8$546,000$12,667
40.745850102625-74.1587462556490904_93_17233 Harrison Averedacted-o8$466,900$10,734
40.745858773443-74.1586551796740904_93_18235 Harrison Averedacted-o8$688,800$15,835
40.745895288842-74.1590222226940904_93_14.01227 Harrison Averedacted-o8$460,100$10,577
40.74593610402-74.1585695681570904_93_19237 Harrison Averedacted-o8$557,700$12,821

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