// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 514 Rodgers Blvd N owned by redacted-o9 in Harrison, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 514 Rodgers Blvd N, Harrison, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0904_23_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 514 Rodgers Blvd N, Harrison, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 23, Lot: 1
Assessment (2023): $483,800
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,612
Area: 848.341 acres
Perimeter: 5.07 miles
Population 2020: 19450
Pop Density 2020: 14673/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Harrison whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.750055928255-74.1573767842040904_23_8500 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$647,700$14,890
40.750068158724-74.1578365378080904_23_11.01322-324 Central Averedacted-o8$321,900$7,400
40.750113417842-74.1577252580050904_23_10.01326 Central Averedacted-o8$384,200$8,832
40.750127876533-74.1576275590960904_23_9328 Central Averedacted-o8$466,400$10,722
40.750128524011-74.1573943777290904_23_7502 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$391,400$8,998
40.750141786314-74.1568060760390904_27_8501 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$544,300$12,513
40.750198533199-74.1574126365230904_23_6504 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$475,400$10,929
40.750211710464-74.1568237700730904_27_7503 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$441,700$10,154
40.750268542159-74.1574308964960904_23_5506 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$494,400$11,366
40.750279023873-74.1568413264110904_27_6505 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$380,000$8,736
40.750345645409-74.156858242150904_27_5507 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$577,100$13,267
40.750366555188-74.1574559688850904_23_3508 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$760,200$17,477
40.750379125468-74.1577453483750904_23_1314-18 Davis Stredacted-o8$538,800$12,387
40.750412132957-74.1568760443350904_27_4509 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$385,300$8,858
40.750463460809-74.1574817317920904_23_2512 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$487,400$11,205
40.750479446464-74.1568935998550904_27_3511 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$383,600$8,818
40.750531417037-74.1574991251080904_23_1514 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$483,800$11,122
40.750546759878-74.1569111560940904_27_2513 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$523,200$12,028
40.750613685593-74.1569434327490904_27_1.01515 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$538,500$12,380
40.75083210523-74.1569841565430904_26_8.01601 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$791,700$18,201
40.750903485232-74.1575734574320904_24_5604-606 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$924,100$21,245
40.750921345863-74.1570070697640904_26_6.01603 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$703,700$16,316
40.750953497087-74.15678469190904_26_428 Davis Stredacted-o8$574,500$13,207
40.751009285489-74.1575763442420904_24_4608 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$375,200$8,625
40.751009659929-74.1570303388670904_26_5.01605 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$749,700$17,235
40.751078930965-74.1575776257050904_24_3610 Rodgers Blvd Nredacted-o8$368,900$8,481

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